Six years ago-3

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It has been a week since Jong kook proposed her.She feel very happy and her father is right,staying by his side makes her happy and she want to spend the rest of her life with him.She still remembers their memorable night and it makes her cheeks burn.However,she can't contact with him for the whole week.May be he is busy or he has an important case need to care.She forced herself to think positive thoughts.
"Ji hyo yah,what happened to you and Jong kook?Are you two fight?"her father keeps asking about Jong kook the whole week
"Ani appa,we ain't fight,he is busying in these days so he can't come and greet you,appa,don't worry.You should worry about your health."her father has coronary heart disease since she is in high school.
"But,I want introduce Jong kook to his mother-in-law and brother-in-law."today is death anniversary of her mother and brother.Her father want Jong kook to come but she can't reach him.She can't call him and all the messages are ignored.She also doesn't know what to do.
"Don't worry appa,we will go to mom and oppa as soon as oppa is free"Ji hyo comforts her father.Where are you oppa?I miss you.
Two day after her mom and brother's death anniversary,she got a very scary new.
"Ji hyo ssi, do you know!our CEO is going to  marry"her co-worker,Mi young is giving her a very shocked new.
"What?Are you kidding me,Mi young ssi"Ji hyo didn't know what to say.She and Jong kook dating secretly and noone know they two are dating besides his close friends.
"Don't you watch news,Ji hyo ssi,our CEO's marriage new is very popular in media"Mi young said to Ji hyo while looking strangely at Ji hyo.
"His soon to be bride is Yoon Eun Hye,the only daughter of Han-Group.Oh she is really beautiful and she is very perfect for our CEO,isn't she?"Mi young keeps asking her unaware of her pale face.Ji hyo quickly open her phone and checks out the new.There he is,with a girl in his arms and smiles at the camera.No it can't be.How?Why?Ji hyo is still loss of words and her mind blank.It is their break time and she doesn't waste her time and go straight to his apartment.
She pressed the password as soon as she reached his house and went straight to his room.Her steps stop infront of his bedroom and she saw something she has never excepted.Her boyfriend,Kim Jong kook is kissing his soon to be bride.She look horribly at the way his lips on her,the way his hands roam to her body and the way she is touching him.Her tears fall down uncontrollably.Her heart hurts and all she can think is the word "why".Why he can do this to her.They have been through many things.They spent time together,they laugh ,their kisses ,their hugs,their touch what are those now?She try to run away but she bumps into flowerpot and it shatters.Then,she heard his bedroom door wide open and he came out.To her suprised,he looks at her coldly.
"What are you doing here?"he ask her coldly.No, he isn't Jong kook oppa,her jong kook oppa isn't like that.He had never treated her cold.He always has a warm heart for her.
"Oppa,what are you doing?You promised  to love me,only me.You said you wanted to marry me,right oppa?what happend?"ji hyo said crying
"Marry you?love you? me,Kim jong kook love you, a girl who has nothing and poor?"Ji hyo eyes wide open.She can't believe what she just heard.
"Song Ji hyo ssi,you are so naive.Do you still think,I love you?I just used you to release my needs,nothing more.Don't try to be Cinderella,Song Ji hyo ssi,you are just a normal girl who had nothing beside your stupid father" Ji hyo's eye wide open as double size and slap Jong kook.How dare he.How could he talk about her father like that.
"I choose the wrong person Kim Jong kook ssi.You are right,I am just a normal girl and I know,I can't be Cinderella.I loved you with all my heart,Kim Jong kook ssi.But from now on,I hate you with all my heart."she said and she saw Yoon Eun Hye is smirking at her.ji hyo let out a bitter smile.
"Be happy ,Kim Jong kook ssi"and then she left out his house.She feel herself dump and priceless.She feel just like a whore.He used her for his own need.Ji hyo cry until her eye out.Then she got a phone call from her neighbours.
"Ji hyo yah,your father fainted and admitted to hospital"Ji hyo feel like her world crashes down.Appa,please don't leave me,stay strong.ji hyo keep praying and praying.Appa,you are the only one for me now,please don't leave me.However, unfortunately for her ,her father lifeless body is waiting for her in hospital

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