Six Years Ago-4

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Kim Jong Kook POV
His life is very perfect now.He has a lovely girlfriend,no,he should address her his soon to be bride.He remembered the first day he saw her.Their little accident made them close.He remembered the way she bite her lips when she learned he is her boss.At that time,he wanted to laugh so bad, but he kept his inner emotions and made a serious face.He also remembered his confession to her when he visit to her father.Her father  also approved their relationship,how lucky he is.Her father is really a good man ,he is honest ,sweet and he love his daughter very much.All he wanted is to make his daughter happy.He made a promise with him to make Ji hyo happy.When he proposed her two days ago,he got yes as an answer.He is the luckiest man in the world.Although,he had been busy those two days,he made a big superise for her so he didn't contact her since last two days.But all the happiness he feel at that moment isn't last long.
"Jong kook yah,you remembered her birthday right?"ask his brother who standing infront of him.
"What a lame question,hyung!I never forget her birthday and her anniversary."Jong kook replied while looking  at his brother with his fire eyes.
"Do you still looking for them?"Jong kook's brother asked him with serious tone.Jong kook didn't say anything.
"Forget it Jong kook yah, it had been years and they  lost their family members too"
"How can you say that,hyung!we lost our precious sister because of that bastards ,because of their mistake.How can I forget that day!I am coming back from Japan quickly because I want to catch up my sister's 28th birthday.But when I got here,my sister 's lifeless body was waiting me.How can I forget that day?The day my precious sister left me.You know hyung ,how I love  my sister.And you all didn't tell me about that bastard.So I need to find him by myself.I need to give him punishment.Because he didn't drive carefully ,my sister lost her life and left us behind.I will definitely find him and he will definitely suffer for what he did."Jong kook said with hatred.Jong kook's brother took a sigh and left him alone in his room.
"Hyung,I found about that man"his assistant Gap jin came to  his office this morning.
"You mean,the man who killed my sister" Jong kook said with serious tone
"Ne,hyung ,here is his profile and you need to know that hyung,he lost his wife and son on that accident too"Gap jin said
"Should I care!Gap jin yah"Jong kook replied with a cold tone.
Then he open the envelope and read it.His eyes wide open when he see the picture that man who killed her sister.
"Are you sure that this man is the one who was responsible for my sister's death"
"Ne hyung,actually he run a small company but when the accident occurred he lost his wife and son and also his leg and then his company too."
"Oh,he has a daughter too named Song Ji Hyo"Jong kook can't breath.The woman he love is the daughter of a man who killed his sister.All this time,he respected him,his father-in-law.But he is the one who killed his sister.Is he really honest?Did he accept him because he want his property.He do know him that he is the CEO of Kim group.Did Ji hyo lie to him too?Did she think he is a doll?She is a gold digger too! What lewd people.They will pay for this.Because of them his sister died and he will definitely make them suffer.

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