Addressing an Appa

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Kim Jong kook POV
He has been thinking about what his father said for these past days. He is right , they have to their happiness by themselves. They need  be careful not to let go of their happiness. He was always there for Ji Yoon while she was in hospital . He need to pay back all the things he missed to Ji Yoon. He and ji hyo never discussed anything ,however he knows that he need to do something , something that can keep both Ji yo and ji Yoon by his side.  He got a phone call from Ji hyo that she wanted to caught up with him. He doesn't know what to except . Although he doesn't know whether it is bad or good , he try his best not to crack the things. When he arrived his destination , he looked at the house infront of him. It is the same house that he once visited a lot . Before he can't think further , the door opens and reveal an angel of his life.

"I am waiting for you , oppa" Ji hyo said.

"I know I need to invite you to enter but before this , I need to say something. " Ji hyo said and he gulps. He doesn't know but he is afraid . Ji hyo takes a sigh and look into his eyes

"Do you want Ji Yoon in your life , oppa? "She asked and he windened his eyes . She doesn't need to ask him.  He wants Ji Yoon and he want a happy family with her. Ji Yoon is his blood and how can a father abandon his own child! Ji Yoon is his happiness and of course Ji hyo too.

"Are you kidding me Ji hyo yah! Of course I want her.  I want her to be part of my life. She is my daughter who I missed all those years without a sense of having her. I want to pay all the things I missed to her. I can't there for her when she was born , when she took her first step , when she said her first word , all the  night  to give goodnight kiss and all the morning to wake her up with my kiss , I want to do all the things with her . " Ji hyo feel herself tear.  She never excepted these words from him.

"Ok , then let tell Ji Yoon who her real father is " Ji hyo said and Jong kook looked at her with confusion. And then , realization hit him.

"You mean , you want Ji Yoon to tell that I am her biological father.? " He asked uncertainly. Oh God , finally God is from his side. He can't believe Ji hyo agree to do that no Ji hyo told him to do that.

"Yes , oppa I want you to introduce to Ji Yoon officially. Come" she said and took him into
the house. When he is in the living room , he found Ji Yoon who is playing with her toys.

" Ji Yoon yah , come and see who is here! " Ji hyo said and ji Yoon look at their direction and she gives them a big smile.

"Samchon , you are here finally.I miss you " Ji Yoon said and she hug him and he return the hug. He glanced Ji hyo 's side . He feel worry , he doesn't know how Ji Yoon will take the information . Will she accept him? Ji hyo can read jong kook's mind so she gives her a smile , the smile which means everything will be ok. Jong kook returns the smile

"Ji Yoon yah , omma wants you to introduce someone. Ji Yoon yah , do you know that your appa is here !" Ji hyo said with cheering voice but Ji Yoon 's face seems like she has a confusion.

"Jong kook samchon is your appa , Ji Yoon yah." Ji hyo said .

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