*Come Back To Me*

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Okay ppl. It's the author of these stories. I just want to say that I have been writing for a little over a year now ad I have gotten better, so don't judge me based on these first few stories, I wasn't too great in the beginning. So if u want to get to the good stories, i'd start with "*The Shooting*" :)

Okay, happy reading...

(It has been a little over a month since Alex left. Jo has been sleeping in Alex's spot on the bed ever since he left. She hasn't talked to anyone about Alex or what happened since he left and her Dailey routine consists of "wake up. Work. Eat. Home. Sleep" repeat)

(It is 10:30pm, Jo got off work at 8 o'clock, she stopped at Jersey Mike's, picked up a hoagie, went home, ate, and got in the shower)

(Jo has just got out of the shower and put on a large PJ shirt, along with a pair of fuzzy socks)

(The shirt goes down to her knees so she isn't wearing any shorts or pants)

(You can see the mascara tears going down her cheeks)

(She is pouring a glass of wine and crying in the kitchen)

(Knock... knock)

(Jo slowly walks towards the door)

Jo: dammit Levi. You really need to start remembering your key... wait... I thought you had the night...

(She opens the door)

Jo: ...shift?
Alex: hey?...

(Jo starts Crying even harder)

(Jo smiles as she is crying)

Alex: I'm-

(Jo jumps into his arms wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him)

(Alex smiles and hugs her back tightly)

(A few seconds later Jo pushes away)

(She is crying super hard now)

Jo: I- you-
Alex: I'm sorry-
Jo: you- you left me-
Alex: Jo- I'm so so sorry.
Jo: why are- your-
Alex: I came back for you
Jo: for me?
Alex: yes. I- I needed- I need to see you.

(Jo smiles)

Jo: you said- you said you would never hurt me- and then- you left me- with a letter- and you have kids. And Izzie. You said you love Izzie.
Alex: Jo. I can explain.
Jo: please.
Alex: I-
Jo: wait- I need to sit down.
Alex: okay, I'll go to a hotel for the night. Text me tomorrow. If you want to talk.
Jo: no. I mean. Let's talk in here.
Alex: oh. Okay.

(They walk inside and sit down on opposite sides of the couch)

(Alex looks over at the bed to see it unmade only in the spot he used to sleep
And then over at the filled to the brim glass of wine on the nightstand)

(He gets upset)

Jo: okay. Talk. Explain to me. Why?
Alex: yes, Izzie had my kids. And I went to Kansas to get to know them. But there are only two parts of that note that were true. The rest was what I wanted you to think happened. So that I didn't leave you and not get anything good out of it for either of us.
Jo: I don't understand?
Alex: I went to Kansas. I met my kids, and they are great. You would love them.

(Jo smiles)

Alex: But izzie. She wouldn't stop talking about how I shouldn't have divorced her in the first place and how if I hadn't divorced her, we would be happy. And we still could be...

Alex: so I tried. I tried to make it work. But then she kept making snarky comments about how I hadn't known them long enough to help make decisions. And how I am Lucky she lets me see them. That was the first week. I told her to stop and explained that she was the reason I didn't know them longer. And she told me, if I wanted to be a part of my kids lives it had to be 100%. I told her about you, and our life here. She told me I had to divorce you if I wanted to see them. So I-
Jo: you wrote a letter telling me everything was amazing. So it would be easier for me to hate you and move on-
Alex: yes. And even after I sent the letter, the snarky comments continued. And eventually the snarky comments turned to bashing me about everything 24/7 if I was thinking about something she would say that I was thinking about other women. Which I was. All the time. All I could think about was what I had done to you. And Meredith. But mostly you. I hated myself everyday after I left Seattle. Every second after I stepped out of the car and onto that porch.
Jo: it didn't help. Telling me everything was great? I think it made it worse. It made me feel like I didn't make you happy. You said how you were happier than ever. Which is a nice way of saying you were happier than you had ever been when you were with me. It didn't make me hate you. It made me hate me. It didn't help me to move on. It made me feel that I can't love other people the right way. That they don't actually ever live me. You should have just told me the truth. What was going on.

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