*A favor pt.1*

439 9 22

(5 months after Alex has left)

(Covid isn't a thing here)


Jo's POV

(On call room, Jo & Jackson)

Jackson: so I'll see you at my place tonight?

(He says as they both put their clothes back on)

Jo: yep- oh wait...

Jackson: what?

Jo: I told Hayes I'd stay the night with Luna...

Jackson: okay.

Jo: tomorrow? The loft?

Jackson: sounds like a plan

Jo: great. Okay, you go first.

Jackson: Jo. Everyone already knows.

Jo: fine.

Jackson: after you...

(He opens the door and she walks out, he follows behind her)


Alex's POV

(Chiefs office)

Bailey: of course. But we have a chief of Peds, so you will have to get used to just an attending...

Alex: thank you Chief. So much

Bailey: don't mention it. You can start today.

Alex: wow. Okay. Thank you.

Bailey: yeah get comfortable. I want you to talk to Hayes.

Alex: sure.

Bailey: okay. Get to work.

Alex: thank you Bailey.

Bailey: I'm glad you are back Alex.

Alex: I'm glad to be back.

(They hug)

Bailey: okay Karev. Get to work.

Alex: okay. Thanks again.

Bailey: yeah. Now go.

Alex: I'm going.

(Alex opens the door and starts to walk up to the Peds floor)

(He is walking down the hall towards the stairs when a door open and he hears a familiar chuckle)

Jo: I hate you.

(She laughs)

(Alex stares into the eyes of Jo as she walks out of an on-call room)

(He smiles when he sees her face... then Jackson walks out after her... and his smile fades)

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