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*I Want It*


(Mid Season 8)

(Lucy is still in Seattle, she didn't take Alex's job)

(Alex walk to the ER nurses station)

Alex: can you page someone else? I'm supposed to be in Peds.

Nurse: I know. But she said she would only talk to you.

Alex: who?

(He says confused)

(The nurse points with her eyes over to a bed where there is a brunette woman sitting on the side of it leaning over a bit)

(Alex looks at the woman, then at the nurse)

Alex: did she give you a name?

Nurse: Josephine Wilson. I think. Sense swamped. Can you just go take care of her.

(Alex looks at her surprised and a tad bit confused)

Alex: okay. Thanks.

(Alex walks over and slows down as he walks next to her)

Alex: Jo?

(Jo turns around quickly as she stands up)

(All of the memories start flooding back)



(Four Months Ago)

(Season 7 episode 8)

(Alex goes to a Medical conference)

(He has just gotten out of the conference, he walks into a bar and sees a woman sitting alone at the bar)

Alex: is this seat taken?

(She turns her head and smiles at him)

Jo: Yep.

(Alex smiles and sits next to her)

(They look at each other)

Alex: hi.

(He smirks)

(Jo smiles and takes the last sip of her drink)

Jo: hi.

Alex: I'm Alex.

Jo: Jo.

Alex: NiceS I like chicks with boys names.

(She smiles)

Alex: what are you drinking?

Jo: A Bronx Cocktail.

(He lifts his hand to the bartender)

Alex: two Bronx Cocktails.

Bartender: coming right up.

(20 minutes later)

Alex: so. Tough question time.

(Jo chuckles)

Jo: hit me.

Alex: What's your specialty?

Jo: I don't have one yet.

Alex: What year are you?

Jo: I'm... I'm still in med school.

(Alex smiles confused)

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