*The Mixer*

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(Let's just say this is the episode before season 9 episode 1 and after season 8 episode 24)

(It was Meredith, Alex, Cristina, Jackson, and Aprils first Intern mixer as attendings and fellows) __________________________________

Bailey: Karev!

Alex: what?

Bailey: where the hell are Grey and Yang?!

Alex: um, I don't know.

Bailey: "um"? Really karev. Your a doctor. Doctors don't say "um"

Alex: sorry bailey.

Bailey: uh hu. Kepner? Avery? Do you know where Grey and Yang are?

April: no, sorry Doctor bailey.

Jackson: no ma'am.

Bailey: okay, well Doctor bailey wants to talk to you two about something.

(April and Jackson look at each other worriedly)

(as they walk away)

April: you don't think he know what we did. do you?

Jackson: no. Definitely not.

Bailey: nope! Not my interns. Not my problem.

(Alex goes to walk over to the bar)

Bailey: and where do you think your going?

Alex: to get a drink?

Bailey: no. No. Somebody needs to find Cristina and Meredith and it sure as hell isn't going to be me.

Alex: really? Your sending me on a wild goose chase?

Bailey: have fun!

Alex: the new interns are going to be here soon. You don't want me to be late and make a bad impression do you?

Bailey: karev. Leave! Now! And don't come back until you have them!

(Alex groans as he walks out the doors into the dark empty hallway) __________________________________

(He is searching for a good 15 minutes)

(Alex looks down at his watch)

Alex: crap! The new interns. I missed them. They are probably already here.

(He starts to run down to hallway until he passes the Residents lounge and hears loud yet faint crying)

(He tries to keep moving acting like he didn't hear it but he knew he should turn around)

(He slowly opens the door)

Cristina: thank god. Alex. I need you. Teddy called me into surgery. But I can't leave her alone.

(Meredith is crying into a red-ish shirt and a lab coat)

(They are sitting in the bench in front of what used to be Lexie Grey's locker)

Alex: oh mer.?

(He says sorrowfully)

(Alex sits down next to her and starts to rub her back)

Alex: it's okay Yang. I got her. You can go.

Cristina: thank you. Mer, I will be back. I'm so sorry but I have to go

(She gets up and regretfully walks out the door looking back multiple times)

(Meredith rests her head on Alex's shoulder)

Alex: shh. Shhh. I'm so sorry meredith. I know how much you loved her. And so did she. She knows how much you loved her, and she loved you back.

Meredith: I should have been there with her. I shouldn't have left her alone. I LEFT MY LITTLE SISTER ALONE TO DIE!

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