*We Don't Do This Pt.2*

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(6 hours later)


(Jo, Izzie, Link, and Meredith are all sitting in the Attendings lounge on the couch, Waiting for them to finish the surgery, Still no updates)

(Jo is starring straight forward, numb. While the other three are talking and on their phones, But still supporting)

(Amelia, Owen, And Alex walk in the door, In their gowns and scrub caps)

(Jo stands up super fast)

(Everyone else stands up)

Jo: How is she!? Is she okay!? How did it go?

Owen: Jo. I am so sorry. 

(Jo starts breathing heavily, backing up, in denial) 

Jo: No... 

Amelia: We did everything we could. There was just too much bleeding. 

(Jo sits on the couch, numb) 

(Everyone circles around her) 

Jo: I- No. No. That- That isn't- no- She's okay. I know that she is okay. 

Alex: Everyone out. 

(He huddles into the crowd and makes his way to Jo) 

Alex: Now. 

(Everyone walks out except Link) 

(He stands at the door) 

Alex: You are okay Jo. Its okay. 

(She doesn't answer) 

Alex: Jo?

(She stares at the floor, numb) 

Alex: Jo. 

(He says louder) 

(She feels his hand touch her arm) 


(She jerks awake from the bed in the on call room) 

Jo: Luna! 

Alex: Wow. Jo. It's okay. You're okay.

(She stares at him, breathing super heavily) 

Alex: It's okay. You were only dreaming.

Jo: Alex. Where is Luna? 

Alex: I don't- Daycare? 

(He says unsure) 

Alex: Maybe at your house? 

Jo: But she's okay? She's alive? 

Alex: What? Yes. She's fine. 

(She is still super worried and he can tell) 

Alex: Jo. 

(She looks up at him)

Alex: Luna. Is. FIne. 

(He rubs her arm) 

Alex: How about you go see her? 

Jo: I um- I need to call my nanny. 

Alex: Yeah. Call her. 

Jo: I don't- I don't have my phone. Can I use yours? 

Alex: Of course. 

(He grabs it out of his pocket and hands it to her)

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