*You Have A Family*

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The majority of this story it going to be from Jo's POV, some of it will be Alex's and maybe a little of Izzie


(Alex left a year ago, him and Jo don't talk at all, nobody has heard from him since he left)


Jo's POV

Jo: I just. I think maybe we should stop.

Jackson: what do you mean?

Jo: I don't want to keep sleeping together...

Jackson: so- your breaking up with me...

Jo: c'mon, we weren't dating. I'm not breaking up with you. I just I don't want to keep sleeping with you.

Jackson: I'm gonna go.

Jo: Jackson-

Jackson: I'll see you around Jo.

(He walks out of the closet)

Jo: Jackson...

(She leaves the closet and goes on with her day)


(In the OR)

(She is in surgery with Maggie and Hayes)

Hayes: Clamp.

Maggie: scalpel.

(Phone rings)

(Maggie looks over at the nurse watching all of their phones)

Nurse: doctor Wilson.

Jo: yes? Who is it?

Nurse: it is a blocked number.

Maggie: who do you have blocked?

Jo: nobod-

(Her eyes get super wide and she looks up across the table at maggie)

Maggie: what?

Jo: I- I have to go. Can you please page Doctor Bailey or Webber to step in for me.

Maggie: are you okay?

Jo: yeah, I just... I need some air.

Maggie: okay? Can you please page Meredith Grey.

Jo: no, can you take Bailey or Webber, I need to talk to Mer.

Maggie: okay?

Hayes: I'm a general surgeon, I can do it. We don't need anyone else.

Maggie: okay. Jo, you can go. Scrub out.

Jo: thanks.

(Jo scrubs out)

(She grabs her phone and goes into a elevator)

(She presses the emergency stop button and looks at her phone)

(She sees Alex's number as a missed call)

Jo: oh my god.

(She says with tears in her eyes)

(She turns the elevator back on and goes to the ICU to fine Meredith)


(She sees Meredith talking to Andrew so she turns around and continues to work)


(She finishes her shift and goes back home, not telling anyone that Alex called her)

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