*I lied*

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(It's been a year and a half since Alex left)

(Covid happened, and it is over)

(Jo has Luna)

(Everything that has happened in Grey's has happened)

(Only thing that hasn't happened is that Jo does not have confusing feelings for Link and they don't live together, Scout and Link have their own apartment across town)

(He told her how he used to feel about her, but they both just laughed at the idea)

(Meredith talks to Alex every so often)

(She hasn't talked to him in a couple months)



(August 27, 2021)

(Meredith pulls up to the hospital)

(She hears crying from the car in front of her so she looks over and sees it is Jo's car)

(She walks over to the open back door and laughs)

(Jo looks back mortified)

Meredith: what the hell are you doing?

(She laughs)

Jo: she just had a whole freaking blowout.

Meredith: number 1 rule for all moms. Always keep a spare outfit in the car.

Jo: I do! She did the same thing last week and I forgot to put a new pair in here after. Now I'm trying to get it out of her pores and she is freaking out, and I have a surgery in 15 minutes, a- and-

Meredith: wow. Jo. Calm down. It's okay. What size does she wear?

Jo: 9-12 month.

Meredith: well. You're lucky scout is small and I carpool with his mom half the time. I think I have something.

Jo: really!? God! Thank you!

Meredith: yep. Hang on.

(She runs back to her car, opens her trunk, and grabs a pair of jeggings, a black short sleeved onesie, and a light grey dinosaur zip up hoodie with a black plastic zipper)

(She runs back over to Jo's car)

Meredith: here. A little Boy-ish, but it'll do.

Jo: it's fine. Thank you so much! Plus. Luna is a big fan of Dinosaurs.

(Luna is now laughing)

Jo: don't you?

Meredith: you all good?

Jo: yeah. Thanks.

Meredith: I don't have to be in surgery for another two hours. I can change her and take her to daycare if you want?

Jo: really? Are you sure?

Meredith: yeah. Sure.

Jo: o- okay. Thanks.

(Jo grabs Luna who is only in a diaper, and gets out of the back seat)

(She gives her to Meredith)

Jo: thank you so much. Diaper bag is on the floor. You don't need to take her car seat in.

Meredith: mhm.

(Jo grabs her purse out of the front seat)

Jo: text me when you drop her off?

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