*I'm Sorry This Isn't Real Pt.2*

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(He carefully walks over to her and kisses her on the Head)

Alex: I'm sorry this isn't real.

(He runs his hand over her hair and walks over to the mud room)


(Jo wakes up and immediately realizes she was in the bed)

(She looks to her side, sees that Alex isn't there, And looks around the loft)

(She looks over to the cribs and sees that all three babies are gone)

(She jumps out of bed terrified that Alex took the kids until she looks into the kitchen and sees a note on the counter)

(She walks over and reads it)

"Grabbing some breakfast. Enjoy the quiet:)"

(She smiles and puts it down)

(While the kids are out and she's home alone, she cleans up the loft)


(Alex walks a few blocks to a local coffee shop)

(He walks into the shop with all three babies in their car seats)

(He waits in line with the triple stroller)

Woman: hi.

(She smiles)

(Alex turns his head)

Alex: hi?

(He turns back to his kids)

Woman: how old are they all?

(He turns back around to her)

Alex: 14 months.

Woman: all of them?

Alex: yep.

Woman: damn. Props to you. It can't be hard being a single dad of triplets?

Alex: wouldn't know. I'm not single.

Woman: oh.

Alex: yeah.

Woman: married or girlfriend?

Alex: um.

(He tries to tell the truth but realizes he'll never see her again)

Alex: married.

Woman: lucky lady.

(Alex forces a smile)

Alex: I'm the lucky one actually.

Woman: aww. That's sweet.

Alex: mhm.

Woman: Where is she? Your wife? Because I have some time if you wanna... you know

Alex: no actually. She's at home sleeping. We're just picking up some breakfast for all of us. So. I better do that.

Woman: well the offer still stands.

Alex: no thanks.

(He turns back around and orders two coffees and 5 donuts)

(He walks back to the loft, the triplets are all still content)

(He opens the door, the whole house is spotless, Jo is sitting in the made bed, on top of the covers, reading a book)

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