*High school Friends (with benefits) PT.3*

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"Alex: We're going to have a baby.

(She smiles and laughs in excitement and shock)

Alex: Like how many are we talking about though? 1-2? more? Not all at once. But like in general. How many?

Jo: I don't know. We can talk about when it comes to that.

Alex: Because I was thinking like 5 or 6.

Jo: Wait what?

Alex: Maybe 7?

(Her eyes are popping out of her skull by now, staring at Alex who is looking down)

(He looks up with a smirk)

Jo: I hate you.

Alex: Please. Like I'd ever ask you to do that 7 times. You're being generous with 1.

Jo: Damn right I am. You're lucky I love you.

(She wraps her arms, loosely, around the back of his neck)

(They kiss passionately)

Alex: Damn right I am."


Jo: When? 

Alex: Now? 

Jo: Now? Don't you think we should wait? 

Alex: I thought that was the point in talking about it? We were going to start trying? 

Jo: No, I know. And I want to start trying. But shouldn't we make it special?

Alex: So, No couch sex? 

(She smiles)

Jo: I don't know. Couch sex can be romantic? 

Alex: It can. 

Jo: So, let's make a baby. 

Alex: Nope. 

(He stands up)

Jo: Wait what? 

(He puts his arms underneath her and picks her up)

(she starts laughing)

Jo: What are you doing!? 

(He throws her down on the bed and rips off his shirt)

Jo: My god I got a hot ass husband. 

Alex: Please! You should see my wife. I got the lucky straw. 

(They laugh)


(4 weeks)

(Alex Is at Work)

(Jo is at home with Amber, Aaron, and Vicki)

(Vicki is cleaning up the house)

Jo: Vicki. You don't have to clean. Once it gets messy enough Alex usually does it. 

(They all laugh)

(Aaron looks at amber)

Aaron: wonder where he got that from...

(Jo and Aaron laugh)

Vicki: What's that mean? 

Aaron: Oh.... Well when Jo and Alex were in high school, they took care of Amber and I. Amber was only like 5.

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