*Trust Me Jo*

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(Season 17 episode 8)

(Jo and Jackson are in the X-Ray room "talking")

Jo: okay, I have to go, but we will continue "this" later.

Jackson: sounds good to me!

(He kisses her one last time)

Jo: okay, I really have to go. Bye

Jackson: bye, I love you.

(She turns around and walks towards the door awkwardly)

Jo's brain: did- did he just say that?

Jackson: why did I just say that?! She clearly isn't ready for that!

(She opens the door and someone turns the corner)

Jo: April?

April: Jo! Hi!

Jo: hi? Um what- What are you doing here?

April: well Mathew and I were in town, so we thought we'd stop by.

Jo: wow! Well Hi!

(She hugs April)

(Suddenly the door April just saw Jo come out of opens and out comes Jackson Avery)

April: Hey Jackson!

Jackson: hey April...

(April notices the fact that Jo and Jackson aren't making eye contact)

April: oh...

(Jo looks down at the floor)

Jo: well I have to go, I have a patient.

Jackson: okay, see you later j- Doctor Wilson.

(Jo walks away)

April: I'm gonna go, I'll talk to you a little later Jackson.

Jackson: okay, yeah, bye.

(April chases after Jo and pulls her into a supply closet)

Jo: listen April, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to see that. Please don't tell anyone. Nobody knows.

April: what the hell Jo?!

Jo: I'm sorry. Okay?!

April: how could you do this to Alex?!

Jo: A-? Alex?

April: your husband?!

Jo: April... Alex left me...

April: wait?! What?!

Jo: he... Izzie... she used the embryos he fertilized years ago and he chose to move to Kansas to be with her and to be a father to them... he... he divorced me...

April: oh Jo... I'm... I'm so... I had no idea...

Jo: I assumed someone told you.

April: no. He didn't tell me. Why wouldn't he tell me? We talk all the time

Jo: yeah. But still. Please don't tell anyone. ESPECIALLY MER!

April: Jo. I don't care that you aren't married anymore. I need you to listen to me. Do not sleep with Jackson anymore. It's- don't get me wrong. He was nice. And he is pretty. But what people did t see was when. We were at home. He would get so- angry. At me. For no reason. I slept here and took Harriet away from him for a while because I couldn't have her around him. I still feel sick dropping her off with him.

Jo: what do you mean?

April: I know that you were in an abusive relationship before Alex. Before you came here. And I'm telling you know. Don't get in a relationship with Jackson. He didn't hit me. But he mentally abused me. He would tell me how I was worthless. And how if I left him I wouldn't find anyone else that would ever love me. So when he finally wanted a divorce. I fought hard to not get one. Because I believed him. I didn't care how much crap he gave me, and how rude he was to me. I just didn't want to be alone. I wanted to be loved.

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