*The future*

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(Let's say this is like season 20)

(Covid is over and Alex never left Jo for Izzie, and doesn't have twins with her either)


(Alex is in the bathroom brushing his teeth and Jo is getting dressed next to their bed)

Alex: big day!

Jo: what is it?

Alex: one week till your due date.

Jo: god. I can't believe it.

Alex: I know.

Jo: Alex...

Alex: what?

Jo: we are going to have a baby?

Alex: is this you backing out. Because I hate to break it to you. It's a little too late to be questioning it.

(Jo laughs)

Jo: well duh. I just mean. Us... we are going to be parents. To a real life human baby.

Alex: I know.

Jo: doesn't that sound crazy?

Alex: yes. Sometimes I worry.

Jo: me too.

Alex: what if I end up like my parents?

Jo: you? At least your parents had a reason. I mean your mom, disease. Dad. Addiction. My father was a rapist and my mother wants nothing to do with me.

Alex: which is almost worse. You aren't like your parents because you weren't raised by them. If I ever become a schizophrenic. Leave. Take all of the however many kids we have, and leave. Just put me into a mental institution and leave me. I do not ever want you to be burdened like I was by my mother.

Jo: okay, but you won't. Okay? You are going to be an amazing father.

Alex: see that... what you just did... that is what is going to make you an amazing mother.

(Jo laughs)

(Alex walks out of the bathroom and over to Jo)

(He gives her a kiss)

(He kneels down on the ground and puts his hands on Jo's belly)

Alex: hey baby. It's Daddy. Your mommy and I are super excited to meet you.

(Jo starts laughing)

Alex: I can't wait to find out if you will be a daddy's girl or a mommy's boy.

(She continues cracking up)

Alex: I don't know what your mommy is laughing at. She won't be laughing when your actually here and this is how I will get you to stop crying. No. She won't. She will be thanking me. Okay, I'm going to go back up to human people level. But I love you baby. I can't wait to meet you.

(He kisses her bump and stands back up)

Alex: I love you.

Jo: I love You.

(They kiss)

Alex: waffles?

Jo: mmm?

Alex: cinnamon rolls?

Jo: now your speaking my language!

(He laughs)

(He pulls her into a hug)

(She puts her head on his chest and he rests his head on her head)

Alex: do we know how to make cinnamon rolls?

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