*Accidents Happen*

435 12 0

*Des Moines, IA*

*Quick Mart*

(Jo walks around for a minute and then goes to the womans health isle)

(She picks up the box, looks back and forth for a second, and then sticks it under her shirt)

(She looks back up and then walks to the register)

Cashier: hey, how can I help you sweetie?

Jo: can I just use your restroom really quick?

Cashier: yep.

(He turns around, grabs the key, and hands it to her)

Cashier: go to you right. First door next to the gatorade fridge.

Jo: thanks.

(She hurries to the bathroom)

(The Pees on the stick, puts it on the counter, and starts pacing back and forth)

Jo: come on. What is taking so fucking long!?

(She stares at the test as it develops)

Jo: come on... come on...

(Her hands shake)

(The control line appears)

(Jo gasps)

(She looks at the instructions)

Jo: oh...

(She continues to stare at the test as the urine reaches its way to the test line)

(And... there it is)

(A big pink line)


Jo: Fuck!

(She puts the stuck in her pocket and tosses the box in the bin)

(She storms out of the bathroom to the register)

(She tosses the key on the counter and leaves)

(She goes back to school and continues on with her day)

(4 weeks later)

(Jo is in her car and starts looking through a newspaper)

(She flips and sees the ad for planned parenthood with a number underneath it)

(She grabs out her phone and calls)

Woman: Hi this is Jenna with planned parenthood how can I help you

Jo: Hi, yeah... um... so I need to schedule an abortion.

Jenna: yep. Can I get your name, and age. And how far along you are.

Jo: Josephine Wilson. 16 and um... give me a minute.

Jenna: no worries.

Jo: how long ago was Halloween?

Jenna: 6 weeks and 4 days ago.

Jo: okay. I'm 6 weeks and 4 days I guess.

Jenna: alright sweetie. I can get you in on the 9th, which is a Wednesday, at 11 o'clock.

Jo: In the morning?

Jenna: yes. In the morning.

Jo: um. I'm in school still. Do you have anything after 3?

Jenna: let me check. One second...

Jo: alright.

Jenna: okay. How about the 11th at 4? That Friday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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