*High school Friends (with benefits)*

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(This is going to be a story different from the other ones I have written)

(This is based in high school. Jo's name is still Brooke, the main characters are Brooke, Alex, Meredith, Stephanie, Alex's family, and Paul, but all of them are teenagers, apart from Alex's family)


(Brooke just moved to Boston, where everyone lives. She left Ohio and her boyfriend a few days ago because things were getting a bit serious)

(Tomorrow is the first day of school, she parked her car a few blocks away from the school)


(The next morning)

Brooke's POV

(Today is the first day of sophomore year. I'm not going to lie, I'm a tad bit nervous, but I can feel it. I'm gonna be here for a while. As long as you know... nothing terrible happens)


(Her alarm goes off)

Jo: ugh!

(School doesn't start until 8 am, so I still have a little over an hour until I need to start walking to my new school)

(An hour and 10 minutes later)

(I walk to school and make it to my first block just in time before the second bell rings)

(Note to self... leave the car a little earlier so I don't need to sprint to the school)

(I sit down in the first seat I see, next to some girl who looks like she just popped out of a magazine who wants absolutely nothing to do with me)

(The first two blocks go smoothly, I had study hall first block, science second, and then third block is split between advisory and lunch. Advisory is almost over, there's about ten minutes left in the period and it is so boring)

(10 minutes later the bell rings, it's time for lunch which I'm not especially excited for, being the new girl with no friends eating alone at lunch doesn't exactly scream "cool")

(I grab my food and sit down at a table in the middle of the cafeteria)

Girl: hey... is this seat taken?

(Brooke looks up at him)

Brooke: no. No it's not.

Girl: good.

(She sits down next for Brooke)

Girl: I'm Stephanie.

Jo: Brooke. But you can call me Jo.

Stephanie: okay? Hi Jo.

Jo: hey.

Stephanie: Are you new here? I haven't seen you around before?

Jo: yeah, I just moved here from Ohio.

Stephanie: wow. Far.

Jo: yeah. Long drive. Have you lived here long?

Stephanie: yeah, my mom moved us here when I was like 5 from Mississippi.

Jo: that's cool.

Stephanie: yeah. I guess.

(They continue to talk for the rest of the period)

(The bell is going to ring in a few minutes)

Stephanie: what do you have next block?

Jo: History with.... umm....

Stephanie: smith?

Jo: no... I don't remember her name.

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