*We Don't Do This*

473 16 27

(Season 18 episode 1)

Jo: How old was Allison when she started crawling?

Teddy: Mmm. I wanna say like seven months? Why?

Jo: I don- Luna is 10 months and she still doesn't even let me put her down.

Teddy: Well she was a micro preemie. It isn't uncommon for their milestones to come slower.

Jo: Yeah. I think I'm gonna have Hayes check her out during lunch today though.

Teddy: Yeah. Let me know how it goes.

Jo: Yeah.

(Teddy walks out of the elevator, Jo is now in there with Luna and two nurses)

Nurse 1: Did you hear that (Unclear words) Is back?

Nurse 2: Yeah! With his wife!

Nurse 1: No Way!

Nurse 2: I know!

(Jo stares at Luna, trying not to listen to their conversation)

(Luna fusses)

Jo: It's okay Loo... Maybe we should go see doctor Hayes now. What do you think? Yeah. Just make sure everything is okay? Yep.

(The elevator doors open, the two nurses get out and a tall blonde woman walks in)

(Jo smiles in acknowledgment and looks back down at the baby)

(Luna turns her head and reaches her arm out to the woman)

(The woman chuckles and shakes the baby's little hand)

Woman: why hello there.

(Jo looks down)

Jo: Oh! Sorry.

Woman: It's fine. Whats her name?

Jo: Luna.

Woman: Nice to meet you Luna.

Jo: Are you a patient?

Woman: No, Visiting Surgeon.

Jo: Nice to meet you.

(Jo chuckles and switches Luna to her other arm so she can shake the woman's hand)

(She holds out her hand)

(The woman grabs it)

Jo: Doctor Jo Wilson, I'm a surgeon too.

(The woman smile drops and lets go of Jo's hand)

Jo: O- Kay then...

(She turns and just looks forward)

Woman: Sorry. I don't um- I didn't mean to be rude. You don't know who I am then?

Jo: Should I?

(Jo chuckles)

Woman: N- No. Sorry...

Jo: W- What's your name?

(The woman shuts her eyes, opens them, and turns to look at Jo)

Woman: My name is Isobel. Isobel Stevens.

(Jo's face goes into an angry shock look)

Izzie: We had the same husband.

(Jo doesn't say a word. She just stares at Izzie until the elevator doors open and she walks out)

Jo: Izzie is here... Izzie is Alex's wife... Al- Alex... Alex is here. I'm here. My ex husband is in the same city- the same building... as me. With his new wife... And their kids... Oh crap. I'm so, screwed... This is bad. This is- This is really really bad Loo.

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