*Send Another Letter*

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(Alex is Gone. Jo doesn't have Luna)


(Izzie and Alex are in the backyard watching the kids on the swings)

Izzie: Hey. Watch them for a second while I go to the bathroom?

Alex: Yep.

(Izzie walks in side)

(2 minutes later)

(Alex is sitting on the deck and Alexis is pushing Eli on the swing)

ELi: Higher!

(She pushes him higher)

Alex: Careful Lex!

Alexis: He's fine!

(She keeps pushing him higher)

(Alex looks back for a second, looking to see if Izzie is coming)

Eli: AH!

(He looks back super quickly)

(Eli is laying on the ground on his back after flying off the swing)

Alex: Crap!

(He runs over)

(Eli is unconscious)

(Alex looks over at Alexis)

Alex: Go get your mom!

(Alexis just stands there terrified)

Alex: JO!

Alex: JO!

(He keeps yelling the name "Jo" Over and over again)

Alexis: Dad. Who's Jo?

(He looks over at her)

Alex: Wha? Oh god-

(He looks back at the door and sees Izzie standing there in shock that her son is on the floor and that Alex just called her Jo)

Alex: Izzie- I'm sorry....

(He looks back down at Eli who just opened his eyes)

(Izzie runs over)

Alex: Call 911.

(Izzie runs inside, Grabs a phone and runs back out)

Eli: I want mommy

Alex: I know. I know.


(An hour & a half later)

(Alexis is with the neighbor, Alex and Izzie are sitting by Eli's bedside who is asleep)

(Alex is on his phone)

(Izzie is watching Eli's vitals)

Izzie: You know, I'd understand.

Alex: Understand what?

Izzie: That you miss her.

Alex: Look. Iz. I was stressed out. It was just instinctive. Thats all.

Izzie: C'mon Alex. You don't need to lie. I just don't want the kids to know. Or ask questions. So if you need to go back to get closure. Then I think you should.

(Alex looks down at the floor and up at her)

Alex: Yeah. I think that would be nice.

Izzie: But um. You shouldn't just show up. Maybe email her first?

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