*Wait... You're Izzie?*

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(Everything up to season 16 episode 1 has happened so far)

(Season 16 episode 1)

(Alex is picking up Jo from therapy today)

Jo: You came... You're here...

Alex: there's something I have to do. It's a little cheesy, cute but I'm gonna...

(He gets down on one knee)

(Jo chuckles)

Alex: I don't want an out. You hear me? You offered me an out, and you were right. I was scared. So, I thought about it, and what I know for sure now is I'm a better man with you. I want to be your husband. I want you to be my wife.

Jo: I did the work here, but I'm not magically fixed. I can't promise that it won't happen again

Alex: I don't care. I love you. I want to grow old with you, no matter what. For better or for worse. In sickness and in health. Marry me again... please.

Jo: Yes.

Alex: Yes?

(He stands up)

(Jo laughs)

Jo: Yes... Yes!

(They kiss)

Jo: I um... I found something out in there.

Alex: Yeah?

Jo: Yeah...

Alex: What?

Jo: There might actually be some sickness, to the in sickness and in health...

Alex: What? Why? Are you okay?

Jo: Yeah... Yeah I'm okay. I'm just...

(He smiles at her curiously)

Jo: Pregnant.

Alex: huh?

(Jo chuckles)

Jo: I'm pregnant.

Alex: You're-

Alex: You're pregnant?

Jo: Yes?

(She says curiously)

(Alex's face forms a smile so big, the only other time she's seen it was the day of their wedding)

Alex: We're pregnant!

(Jo laughs as he picks her up and kisses her)

Alex: We're gonna be parents!

Jo: We are!

Alex We're gonna have a baby!

Jo: We're gonna have a baby.

Alex: Oh my god...

Jo: What?

Alex: We're gonna have a baby...

(Both of their smiles fade a little bit)

Jo: Yeah... I guess we are...

(Alex looks at her and smiles)

(Jo chuckles)

Jo: We're having a baby.

Alex: We're having a baby.

(They kiss)

Alex: How far along are you?

Jo: I think maybe seven weeks? Eight?

Alex: Wow... Jo.

(She smiles)

Alex: We're gonna be a family of three.

Jo: That sounds crazy.

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