*Daddy's Gone*

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(Alex and Jo season 16)

Priest: for better or worse...

Jo: for better or worse...

Priest: for richer or poorer...

Jo: for richer... or pregnant...

Alex: what?

Jo: I'm pregnant...

Alex: your pregnant?

Jo: yes.

(Alex smiles)

(Jo smiles)

(He picks her up and kisses her)

Alex: we're having a baby?!

Jo: we are having a baby!

Priest: mh hm.

Alex: sorry

Jo: sorry.

Jo: for richer or poorer....


*8 1/2 months later*

(Ring... Ring...)

Alex: hey babe. I'm about to talk to a patient. Can I call you later?

Jo: hell to the no. Get your ass to grey Sloan! Now!

Alex: um... okay... what's up?

Alex: wait I thought you had the day off?

Mer: Alex?

Alex: mer?

Mer: yeah, no time to talk. Get to grey Sloan. Your wife is having a baby. Like now!

Alex: oh- oh! OH! OH GOD! I'm coming! __________________________________

(In the lobby)

Alex: Webber!

Richard: what is it Karev? I'm doing something.

Alex: I need you to go talk to my patients family.

Richard: you do it

Alex: I need to go to Grey Sloan! Jo is in labor!

Richard: oh. Go! Now! Go!

Alex: thanks. I'M HAVING A BABY!

Richard: your wife is having a baby. Now go be with her

Lady: doctor Karev? How is Lucy?

Alex: I'm sorry. Doctor Webber will talk to you in a few minutes I have to go.

Richard: hello. Mrs. Grayson?

Elena: please. Call me Elena.

Richard: Elena. Your daughters surgery went perfectly. You can see her in a few minutes.

Elena: thank you. Thank you so much!

(Richard goes to walk away)

Elena: oh. And Is everything okay with doctor Karev? He ran out a bit suddenly?

Richard: yes, his wife is in labor

Elena: oh. Tell him I said congratulations.

Richard: I will. __________________________________

(In the car)

Jo: Meredith! I am going to kill my husband if he doesn't get to the hospital.

Mer: he will make it. He is Alex. He always makes it.

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