*What If*

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Season 2. Episode 26

Denny: Marry me.

Izzie: yes. Yes I will marry you.

Season 2 Episode 27

The Prom

(Alex Is heading up the stairs)

(Izzie is Going down them)

Alex: Whoa. You look nice.

Izzie: Thank you. So do you. Hot date?

Alex: Nah. This thing is cheesy. I wouldn't waste a decent chick on this.

(Izzie laughs)

(Izzie starts walking away)

Alex: you heading in?

Izzie: Yeah, I'm just gonna see Denny first.

Alex: Oh, Okay.

(He says defeated)

(Alex watches as she goes into the elevator)

(The doors close)

(Izzie is in her hot pink dress going up to see her fiancé)

(She rides the elevator all the way to the top, excited to go show Denny her dress)

(The doors open, she walks out and sees a bunch of doctors running in and out of Dennys room)

(Izzie gets worried)

(She runs into Denny's room)

(Denny is laying in his bed looking over at the doctors trying to resuscitate one of Denny's doctors who dropped dead)

Izzie: Denny!

(He looks over worried)

(She hugs him)

Izzie: you're okay!? You're fine!?

Denny: yeah. Yes. I'm fine. I'm okay. Everything is okay.


(Izzie was diagnosed with Cancer 4 years ago. She went through 5 months of chemo surgery and is now cancer free)

(Izzie and Denny got married right before they found out about the cancer)

(They have a two year old son Eli)

(He was born using a surrogate. But he is 100% biologically their son)


(Season 9 episode 3)

(Alex, Izzie, Callie are putting gowns on so they can meet the ambulance)

(Alex grabs his gown and someone bumps into him)

Alex: hey. Watch it.

Jo: sorry!

(She says nervously)

(She follows the three of them out to the ambulance bay)

Alex: why are you following me?

(He looks back at Jo)

Jo: I'm your intern for the day.

(She smiles)

Alex: well hello intern. Got a name?

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