*We Can't*

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(Jo sits against the window on the floor on FaceTime)

(Luna is lying in her carseat on the floor in from of Jo)

Jo: you better give me a good price. The economy is trash. You're lucky I'm even looking.

Jackson: Yeah, well, now that you actually have some money, maybe you'll, uh, figure out ow it works.

(Jo laughs)

Jo: I really hope you get a new joke

Jackson: Alright. I gotta get back to work. Welcome home, Jo.

(They hang up)

(Jo sighs)

(she looks down at Luna sleeping)

Jo: Welcome home... 

(she looks around her new home)

Jo: Welcome home, Luna.

(Luna coos and starts fussing)

Jo: shh...

(she rubs Luna's belly through the blanket)

(Luna continues fussing and starts to cry)

Jo: what's the matter baby

(she picks her up)

Jo: are you hungry? is that it?

(Luna continues to cry as Jo gets her bottle ready)

Jo: okay, here sweetie

(she starts feeding her and Luna stops crying)

Jo: There we go...

(she falls in love with her knew daughter)


(Jo feeds Luna and puts her down for a nap)

Jo: night night, Luna.

(she walks away from the crib)

(her phone starts ringing)

(she runs to the kitchen and picks it up)

Jo: Hey.

Owen: Hey.

(He says in a distraught tone)

Jo: what's up? 

Owen: I um- I need help

(kids are crying in the background)

Jo: you babysitting?

Owen: yes. Teddy and Meredith had to go into the hospital. everyone else is at the hospital or the wedding reception. you're the only person I could think of. plus, Ellis is like freaking out and she said she would only tell you what was wrong.

(Jo chuckles)

Jo: I just put Luna down for a nap. Bring them over.

Owen: Really?

Jo: yeah. sounds like you could use the help, and besides. I want Luna to meet everyone.

Owen: oh yeah. okay so um, we're loading up now. can you send me the address?

Jo: yep

Owen: thank you! we'll see you soon

Jo: see you. 


(15 minutes later)

(Jo hears kids complaining from down the hall)

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