*I'm Sorry This Isn't Real*

418 12 31

October 31, 2021



(Jo wakes up in the loft, Alone. Freezing. Tired. But overall... Sad)

(She got up a few hours ago to drop some things off at Links house but came back home and went straight to bed)

(She just lays there, staring into the abyss)

(Her pager buzzes)

Jo: Ugh!

(She throws a pillow onto the nightstand, nocking over a picture frame and her pager)

(She leaves the frame on the hardwood floor and tries to go back to sleep)

(30 seconds later, the pager goes off again)

Jo: Come On! Just one day. That's all I asked for. Just one fucking day. God!

(She picks up the pager and reads it)


Jo: Ugh.

(She gets up and quickly gets dressed and into the car)

(She runs into the hospital, forgetting all of her stuff in the car)


(40 minutes pass)

(Jo got covered in surgery, she still hasn't run into anyone super close to her)

(She runs out to her car and grabs her purse in phone, walking into the hospital)

(She looks down at her phone and sees 3 missed calls from Link)

(She quickly calls him, in a panic)

Link: Hey.

Jo: What's wrong? Is everything okay?

Link: Yeah. Yeah. Everything is fine. I just wanted to see if you wanted to come by for dinner? Maggie is coming over before we take everyone trick or treating, we're having tacos?

(He chuckles)

(She smiles)

Link: Look. Jo. I know this day isn't easy for you. But-

Jo: Link. Please- I don't want to talk about it.

Link: Okay.

Jo: I'll um- I'll be there.

Link: Good.

(He laughs looking down at the kids he's watching)

Link: You aren't gonna want to miss this.

Jo: I know. I'll see you guys in a few hours. Call me if you need anything.

Link: Will do.

(They hang up)

(Jo goes back into the hospital and starts with her rounds)

(She runs into Meredith)

Mer: Hey?

Jo: Hey.

Mer: I thought you took the day off to-

Jo: Yeah. I got paged an hour ago. Are you going over to Amelia and Link's tonight?

Mer: Yeah. Link is watching the kids now. Plus, they have a better neighborhood for trick or treating. Less hills.

(Jo laughs)

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