.:Our forbidden love:.(Ulquiorra love story)part6

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Chapter 6: Proclaiming the War

"Rukia, sit down." I demanded. She did as I said, and sat down. "My theory could be off as I just said, but just in case I am right.... Kagami, I am sending you back to Soul Society. I will be giving you a note to give to Captain Yamamoto. Understood?"

"Yes ma' am." She says.

"Kisuke, I want you to search this entire shop for any other missing merchandise. If anything appears to be different or missing, you are to let me know."

"Got it." He replies.

"Renji and Ichigo, you are to stay on guard. If any arrancars appear, go see them. If you are able to fight them, then do so until I say otherwise."

"Got it." Renji says while Ichigo just stared at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You are really taking charge." He says.

"This is an emergency." I say. "Of course I'm going to."

"Either way, you aren't my captain."

"I don't care. I'm not doing this because I find myself to be stronger than you. I'm doing this because I am probably the only one here that has the best plan in mind, and a clear mind."

"Whatever." He mumbles, crossing his arms.

"Rukia, you are a vice captain. I need you to help me out." I say.

"Okay." She says.

"Kisuke, grab me a piece of pen and paper will you?"

"Yup." He says leaving the room and coming back in holding paper and a pen. I quickly wrote down the situation I thought we were in and hand it to Kagami. I pulled out my phone. "Hello. Yes I need you to make the dungai for one of my teammates to be sent back. Immediately. Okay thanks." I say, hanging my phone up. "Kagami, there will be a portal for you outside. Hurry and go. Leave your gigai behind."

"Got it." She says, grabbing my note, and leaving the room.

Damn it, please don't let me be right about this. I don't know what I would do. I don't want there to be a war already...

"Mai, why don't you head to sleep?" Kisuke asks.

"Thanks for the offer, but I need to stay up tonight. I'm going to go for a walk." I say as I step into my gigai. "Got a jacket I can use?" I ask anybody in the room.

"You can use mine." Ichigo says, throwing his jacket across the room.

"Thanks." I mutter.

I stood up, finished my drink, and slid out the back door to the shop. I put the jacket on, even though the cold air was nipping at my exposed legs, but I ignored the urge to turn around and go lay in a nice, warm, comfy bed that was calling my name.

Ulquiorra..... what do you have in mind? Do you even have a plan? Or are you just relaxing? Are you testing us? Are you happy I'm still alive? Do you honestly believe we will have a thing again? I will never have a thing with you again. I swear to that....!

If it comes down to it, I'll kill you with my bare hands. I will put Soul Society before myself and my personal feelings. I will figure this out. I'll save everyone if I have to. I am strong enough to. I need to be strong enough to. But what if I give in to your love?...

NO! I mustn't. I can not. I sighed one long sigh. "Gyah... why must this be so frustrating?" I say to myself.

I continued walking, trying to calm myself down and get a clear mind to think things through. "I need to do one major thing before I conclude anything else. I need to do some investigation on this matter."

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