.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part20

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Chapter 20: Battle With The Shinigami

"So, we have arrancars here do we?" The cocky boy shinigami in front of me says.

"Obviously." I mutter.

"I've heard so much about these 'arrancars' but have never seen one in person." He says.

I just looked blankly at him thinking about how much of an idiot he was. There was another soul reaper next to him, being precautious, and examining what was going on. Ulquiorra stood slightly behind me, also watching what was going on.

"So, why did you come here?" The 2nd shinigami asks.

"To fight." I say while glaring over at Ulquiorra. "Someone wanted to test my strength on people that are just trash in his dictionary." I say.

"Well, why aren't you in it?" the first one asks.

I sneered at him, and then say "How much do you talk?"

"I could ask the same thing." He says.

I looked at Ulquiorra, and knew the arrancars her pulled there sword out first were the ones who were cocky and loud. So I just looked back in front of me and focused on what was going to happen.

The 1st shinigami pulled out his sword, and says, "This fight will be over even before it begins."

"Don't be so sure." Ulquiorra says coolly. I wanted to look at him, but I knew better than to take my eyes off my opponent.

"Watch me kill her than!" He yells after whispering something to his sword, and drew it up. Some kind of gust was flying toward me. I brought my hand up and flung it away. He is going to have to do better than that.

"How can you block that?" He asks. "You have no spiritual power that I can feel even."

"So you can only feel his?" I ask as I point at Ulquiorra.

"That's correct." The 2nd shinigami says.

"Interesting." I mumble. I suppose I should let some reiatsu out then. I focused on my spiritual pressure, and let some out of me.

"Is that all you have?" The 1st one asks. "If so, this will be too easy."

"Don't be so full of yourself." I say. "You still have to hit me with your attacks."

He swore under his breathe, and then flung his sword out toward me. I brought my wrist up, and stopped his sword with my wrist. "What?!" He yells. "How is this even possible?!"

"Let me introduce myself." I say "I am Mai Ichimaru, espada number 2." I say . "Even though I still have a number 4 on my hand." I say while glaring quickly at Ulquiorra.

He shrugged his shoulders and I looked back at the soul reaper.

"Shinigami, if you want to fight me, go to bankai form, otherwise you are outmatched."

"You don't have to tell me twice." He says while smirking. "Ban~kai!" He yells.

Dust gathered up around us. I heard a loud laughing sound. I swung my hand to the side, and made the smoke clear up. Standing before me, was the same soul reaper. His sword was rigid and sharp, as if zigzagging like lightening.

"That's your zanpakuto's release?" while giggling to myself. "What a pity it is." I say.

He came at me and whispered to his sword again, and struck out at me. I saw the gust coming, but instead it was unreadable to know where it will attack at. I looked at the shinigami, to see him still running but still whispering something. So he uses words to control the wind. If I learn what he says, I'll know which way it goes.

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