.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part13

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Chapter 13: Ulquiorra, I Love You. Please Remember That

I walked back into my room. Ulquiorra was in there pacing back and forth. His eyes hot over to me, and I could see nothing in his eyes. Nothing! No emotion what so ever. His face was like the first time when I met him. I watched him curiously. His eyes soon left me, making me feel so guilty.

"How was your visit with Luppi?" He asks, no emotion even in his voice. Just the voice he gave me the first time I met him. Nothing there. Nothing.

"I need to talk to you." I say with tears swelling in my eyes again. Don't cry Mai. Don't cry!

"I know all about your visit. Great way of talking things through." He says before brushing past me and walking through my opened door.

"Ulquiorra!" I yell well reaching out for him. His hand grasped onto my wrist tightly and says, "Do us both a favor. Stay away from me." Then he left me to stand there stunned and in, not only emotional, but physical pain as well. He slammed my door shut behind him and I was unable to control myself.

"Ulquiorra! Don't go! Please, I beg you don't go! I love you!" I scream out. "ULQUIORRA!

He never did come back in here. "I'm sorry!" I scream. "I'm sorry.... I'm sorry. Please... don't let me loose you again. I made a mistake. I'm so sorry." I whisper. Pain hit me. It was more painful than taking a punch to the face. Than a sword stabbing me.

The worst part was that I made this happen. I cheated on him. I had this coming. It's all my fault. I could have said no, but I didn't.

What do I do?! I screamed to myself in my head. Kesshou?.... Nothing but silence echoed in my head. I'm at a loss. I don't know what to think, act, or say. How did he know? How?

Tears collapsed out of my eyes. I walked over to my bed, and without any warning I cried myself to sleep (actually a nap).

I rolled over and yawned. When I looked up I saw the sun was still up in the sky. Was it all just a dream? I stood up and looked around my room. I was in there alone. I yawned again and stepped out my door. I heard my stomach grumble. I will eat first I guess. I walked into the cafeteria, got my food, and sat down. Shortly afterward, Luppi sat down in front of me and asks. "How did he take the news?"

Reality hit me, hard. My eyes shot up and wide with horror. It really happened. It happened! What do I do?! Holy Shit!

"It wasn't a dream?" I ask still not wanting to admit to the harsh truth.

"No...?" Luppi asks.

"Shit...." I say while tears formed again.

"Wait, don't cry." Luppi says. "What happened?" He asks. "What did that bastard do to you?"

"He stepped away from me... from us..." I say. "No, I walked away from us when I did that with you." I say.

"Oh, Mai..." He murmurs while watching me. "You know, there's a quote the humans like to say. If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, then it's yours to keep."

"I don't think that fits this situation." I say. "I chose for him to walk away. I could have pushed you away, or told you to stop, but I didn't."

"So you're saying you didn't want me to stop?" he asks.

"No..." I say.

I looked up at him and saw satisfaction on his face. He was grinning at himself. I laughed shortly at his confidence. I had to admire and adore at least that much.

"They also say that you will always remember your first love." I say.

"Yeah, you seemed to have proven that for a fact." He says while chuckling.

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