.:Our forbidden love:.(Ulquiorra love story)part9

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Chapter 9: The Sudden Appearance

The breeze felt great on my face. It was blowing my hair around and I was lost in thought about what I should do next. I had no idea in what the hell is going to happen. I was scared; I would admit that much to myself but nobody else.

The air was getting colder and I could feel the humidity in the air pick up. I looked up at the sky, and couldn't see the moon, which meant there were clouds filling up the sky. I felt something wet hit my face.


I looked back down at myself. Water began to fall from the sky and I soon found myself crying with the sky. The rain began to fall heavily, soon drenching me. There was no point trying to get out of the rain considering I was all ready wet.

I felt a hand land on my shoulder. Of all the people I could have seen, I was shocked to see this one. The hand wasn't rough, but gentle when it touched my shoulder, as if this person thought I was fragile.

I turned my head to the side, and saw a tall body standing there. The body walked around me and crouched down in front of me so we can be at eye level. The person brought their hand up and wiped across my cheek, wiping the tears away.

I couldn't hold myself back anymore after all the time that has passed by. After all the pain I had been through. I threw my arms around the neck of the person in front of me and broke down in tears. The arms reached around me, and the person comforted me. I felt myself get picked up and carried to a warmer area.

I looked around me and noticed I was under a tree. Smaller drops of water plotted down, but I ignored those.

"Why were you crying?" Ulquiorra asks.

I shook my head. I couldn't answer him. I didn't want to answer. His hand caressed my face. His eyes searched my face as well, and I found myself looking away. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him and he says, "I don't understand. I can't comprehend this at all. Why is it that you wanted to kill me and yet when I crouch in front of you, you leap into my arms?"

I reached up and grabbed his hand. I squeezed his hand and tried to keep my rambling words in my mouth. My tears slowly dripped down my cheeks and to my chin, which fell against our hands.

"Mai, are you ignoring me?" He asks. More tears forced there ways out, and I begin to shake, crying harder. My forehead fell against his chest and I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me.

"Mai?" He asks, shocked.

I shook my head resistively and say between stutters, "I don't know..... what..... to do."

He wrapped his arms around my waste and pulled me closer to him. "I don't know what to do either." He brought my face up so he could see it, and leaned his forehead against mine.

"You have been gone for too long."

"It wasn't my choice." I say.

"Do you remember what you said was your reason to die?"

"Yes." I say. I looked at him and noticed that he was in his gigai. He had on a teal jacket, black turtle neck long sleeved shirt, and black pants.

"Say it then." He says.

"I wanted to protect you." I say.

He looked at me, not making any facial expressions. His skin was still completely pale, with the two teal lines going down his face and the black upper lip. I didn't know what to say, or what he was thinking. I just wanted to get back to Urahara's shop and sleep. I was completely tired.

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