.:Our forbidden love:.(Ulquiorra love story)part14

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Chapter 14: I Unproclaim This War

The tension in the air began to build up. So much power in the air. So much spiritual power.

I was racing through the halls, trying to find Ulquiorra. The war was about to begin. I had to find a way to stop this. The soul reapers were in this world. I had to find a way to stop this from taking place. I wasn’t going allow anyone to die. No way in hell.

I was completely stressed, but that didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered at this moment was stopping this war.

Where is he? I need to find Ulquiorra. I large blast was made and I stopped dead in my tracks. I saw about 15 soul reapers jumping in through the whole in the wall. They looked at me and saw me, so pulled out their swords. Shit, this is going to be difficult. How will I end this? Damn it!

“Mai, we will take them. You go.” Ichigo says, pulling out his sword.

I smiled at them, look back and say, “Thanks.” And flash step past the soul reapers there while the others backed me up. I began to flash step to where I could feel Ulquiorra’s spiritual pressure at. Once there, I threw his door open. He turned and looked at me, as if he didn’t know they were here.

“It’s begun.” I say.

“Than it’s time to go fight.” He says, stepping past me. What’s with this attitude?

“Ulquiorra.” I say. He turned and looked at me and I say, “We need to get you to the captain.”

“Why?” He asks.

“To make a treaty or something. I don’t know.” I say.

“Very well. Let’s go find him.” He says.

I began to run and Ulquiorra followed behind me. This is complicated. Why must it be so hard?

“Mai.” A cold voice says. I looked in front of me to see Byakuya Kuchiki.

“Captain Byakuya.” I say, feeling still.

“Mai, we need to go.” Ulquiorra says.

“She is not passing me.” He says.

“Captain Byakuya, you don’t understand.” I say, trying to walk passed him, but he pulled out his sword instead. “Please let me passed.” I say.

“Sorry, but I can’t do that.” Shit!

“It’s alright. I’ll take him.” A red headed guy says from behind me. I turned around to see Rukia, Kagami, and Uryuu also there.

“What about Ichigo?” I ask.

“He told us to go ahead.” Rukia says.

Byakuya began to stare at Rukia, curious of her rash actions and as to why she was here helping us.

“Let’s go.” I say, quickly flashing past him while he was in a daze from seeing Rukia. I felt the others follow me while Renji stayed behind.

Please don’t let anyone else get in our way. I need to end this immediately!

“Mai, up ahead.” Ulquiorra says. Not more people. I looked up and saw nothing but a wall. I stopped where I was at, and stood there. I heard a loud bang and turned around to see Ulquiorra putting his sword back in his sheathe. “Let’s go.”

I followed behind him and he began to pick up his pace to where the strongest reiatsu was at while the others followed behind. Wow, he can really take charge.

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