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Biraddali is one of the mythological creatures, but I made some twist to it so...

Y/n (Your Name)

L/n (Last Name)



The youngest among the 7 Biraddali sisters, they are the last of their kind.

Biraddali's are immortal humans who can shapeshift, they have detachable pure white wings which serve as the source for their energy, without their wings, their regeneration would be slow and it'll limit their ability to shapeshift. And yes other humans can use those wings, but it has its drawbacks, only the Biraddalli can use its full potential.

Biraddali is known for their kind, gentle, and loving nature--- the embodiment of a Binibini. They help those who are in need even without anything in return, animals, humans, tikbalang, duwende, aswang, anyone as long as it's for a good reason. Their favorite place is at the top of the bahaghari (rainbow) where a lake resides, though they are also commonly seen in the busy streets hanging out with various individuals. They mostly don't engage in fights, rather they try to escape and get on defense... well not this one... not anymore.


3rd Person POV

Small chuckles could be heard deep in a sprightly forest, a pup along with a small giggling child are playing in the green healthy grass of the forest, rolling around until the child stopped after she heard a familiar call, her fluffy white wings spread out along the grass. 

"y/n, where are you?" heard the child. She then turned around and looked for the source of the voice she just heard.

"Boo!" she was then met by the face of her eldest sister.

"Aaaah! Ate naman stop scaring me" she poutly protested,

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! I just love seeing your face shook in horror" said her ate which made little y/n pout more.

"Anyways I'm going to the Aswang's territory, they need help with something" declared her sister. "Wehhh, makiki-chika ka lang dun eh" refuted the young Biraddali.

"Ay grabe siya, hindi chika yun, it's called info-acquiring" answered her sister.

"Whatever you say ate, but yeah I'll go, I miss playing with MikMik na" answered y/n,

"Just as I expected, tara na nga" answered back her Ate.


"Just relax and go by the flow of the wind, you can do it" said the eldest Biraddali, the two are currently flying towards the territory of the Aswangs and poor little y/n is still struggling with the use of her little wings.

"Ate don't let go muna ha, baka mahulog ako" worriedly said the little Biraddali as she tightened her hold on the hand of her Ate.

"But y/n you need to learn how to fly independently," said her Ate. Y/n just stayed in silence, for one she is aware that she must now know how to fly by herself at her age, and two, she is still panicking by how high they are going. Her ate just looked at the anxious Biraddali to her side, she tightened her hold to her hand to gain the attention of the little Biraddali and mouthed the words 'relax' to her with a soft calm look in her eyes. The little Biraddali nodded and started to relax her figure, gaining a small proud smile from her Ate.


A little boy sighed for the nth time of the day as he drew random objects to the ground with a stick until his vision blackened. "Guess who's here?" said a little girly voice he missed hearing.

"Y-y/n? Is that you?" he answered. "The one and only" she answered back as she took her little hands off his eyes. "How are you MikMik?" she asked while smiling brightly.

Little Dominic looked at the girl in bewilderment, he stood up and tackled hug the girl's small frame. "Hey, I miss you too" she said while hugging back the smaller figure of the boy. "I thought you don't wanna see me anymore," said the little boy with small tears in his eyes.

"Hey, daz not true, I just can't come by often because... I still can't fly properly, I'm sorry" she said with guilt and embarassment plastered on her face. "Mhmm, I understand I'm just worried about you" little Dominic said while detaching himself from the slightly taller figure of the girl.

"Aww, I'm fine don't worry,  though I'm the one who's more worried about you, what are you doing here all alone and playing with the... dirt?" y/n asked with a more worried look on her face for she already has a guess to her own question. Dominic looked down, staring at his fiddling fingers still with a teary-eyed face. From his actions, y/n deduced that her guess was right.

"They still bully you, don't they?" she stated and Dominic confirmed it when his once small tears gushed out of his face. "T-they said that I don't deserve to be the next leader for the clan because I'm too weak" he said along with small hiccups as he tried to wipe the tears off of his face. 

"Hey I already told you to not listen to them, they're just jealous of you, and besides you're not weak be more confident of yourself" she said to him as she wiped the remaining tears on Dominic's face. "Really?" he asked still unsure of himself "Of course, you'll be a great leader someday MikMik" she said with a reassuring smile on her face which got Dominic's mood to brighten.


They played and played until it was time for y/n to leave.

"Your gonna come back right?" said Dominic with sadness on his face

"Of course I will" she said reassuring the boy

"Promise?" said Dominic raising his pinky finger up

"Promise" stated y/n. Locking their pinky fingers together they made a promise, a promise that is meant to be broken.


That's it for the first chapter, as you can see this book may be a bit slow burn cause I want to give information to your (y/n's) background.

Y/n and Dominic are around 10 years old here, I'm not gonna have a definite age for them cause they're immortal and all.

Actually parang and corny ng nickname ko kay Dominic "Mimic" pero kasi wala na akong maisip HAHAHAHAHAHA

Update: Binago ko na yung nickname kay Dominic, from Mimic to MikMik. Credits to @NightWing39 for the suggestion :DD

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