Chapter 42

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I walked up the block to reach Stefan. "Come on we're going to Calum's." I said grabbing Stefan's hand. It took us 10 minutes to his house. I knocked on the door. Ally answered it crying. "What's wrong?!?" She didn't say anything. Calum came to the door. "Come in." He said. Stefan and I walked in. "What's wrong?" I asked. Calum looked over at Ally then at me. "She knows...." My jaw dropped. "How?" I asked. "She heard us talking..." I sighed. "So you do remember me??" Stefan said. Calum nodded his head. "All this time I've been lied to...." Ally said. Calum sat down next to her. "I'm sorry..." He put his arm around her. Then Luke came walking in. She looked up and ran to him. "Luke! I'm really sorry! I never meant to hurt you." She told him. He didn't say anything just holding onto her. Calum looked over at Stefan. "Why is he here?" Calum asked. Stefan and I looked at each other. "We just saw each other when I was walking." I said. He nodded his head.  "Ally...  Who cares if I'm adopted. I'm still your brother and I'll always be..." She let Luke go. "Aren't you wondering where your real parents are?" Calum sighed. "To be honest I am... But looking back they weren't good parents... And I'll probably never forgive them." Stefan cleared his throat. "I know.... Remembered we tried helping you.." Calum looked at him. "I know... Thanks bro." He got up and gave him a hug. I looked over at Ally. "Hey! She's smiling!" I said out loud. She laughed. "And I'm so thankful that you're my family. You're the best family I could ever imagined..." He gave Ally a hug. "Awww...." Luke said. Then the door opened. "Whoa..  Is this a hug show?.." Their dad said. "Hey dad!" Calum said. Then came their mom. "Oh! Now it's a party!" She said. We all laughed. "I just wanna say thanks for taking me in and caring for me." Their parents looked shock. "She knows..." Calum told them. "And you're okay with it?..." The mom asked. "Now that we're all here as a family.... I'm okay with it." Calum nudge Ally. "You're such a dork.." He told her. "Shut up loser!" She said. They both laughed.  My phone vibrated.

"Come home now to pack your stuff." My aunt texted me. I sighed. "What's wrong?" Calum asked. "I'm moving back to Florida..." Stefan put his arm around me. "Awww...." They all said. "Yeah... I gotta go get packing." They nodded their heads. As Stefan and I were out the door Ally stopped us. "Hey!" I looked at her and she walked up to me. She gave me a hug. "Thanks..." She said. "For what?" I said. "Helping me with Luke and all.... And you really made Calum happy..." She told me. I smiled. "You're welcome." I saw Stefan smiling. "So you're really moving?" I nodded my head. She sighed. "I'm most likely moving next week." I told her. "Okay... Well we have a week!" I laughed. "See ya Ally!" She waved. Stefan and I walked to my house to pack.

1 week later

"You ready?" My mom asked as I stand in the middle of the empty living room. I sighed. "Yeah...." We walked out to the porch. I saw Ally, Luke, Calum, and Stefan. "This is it.." Calum said. "Yeah..." A tear ran down my face. He gave me a hug. "I'm going to miss you Janelly..." He said. "I'm going to miss you too." I let go. I looked at Ally and Luke. "You two good?" I asked. They smiled and said. "Yes..." They gave me a hug.. Then I looked over at Stefan and I just lost it. Tears were running down my face. He held onto me. He was smiling. "Why are you smiling?" Then everyone was smiling. "What's so funny?!" Stefan put his arm around me. "Let's go home..." He said. I looked at him in confusion. I looked at my mom. "What's going on?" I asked. "Get in the van." My mom said. "We'll follow." Calum said. Him Ally, and Luke went in his car. "They're gonna follow us all the way to Virginia?" Stefan and mom laughed. We stopped at Stefan's house. "What are we going here?" They got out. Calum parked his car. "Why are we at Stefan's house??" Everyone was walking up the steps to the house next to his. I followed. My mom took a key out and put it in the key hole. She turned it and open door. "We're home!!" She said. I looked at her in shock. "It's big.... Good house choice." Luke said. "We're going to have a lot of memories in here..." Ally said. "I hope you mean good memories..." My mom said. They all laughed.  "So wait... We're moving here?" They all nodded their heads. A huge smile came across my face. I'm living next to Stefan... We both looked at each other and our lips pressed against each others. I smiled underneath the kiss. I know he's going to be the one. I finally found love....

Hey guys! So this is the end of this story! Yay! :D Lol thanks for reading and voting I love you! ❤❤ cx

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