Chapter 24

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(Sup guys its Janelly I'm going to start the chapter for Alejandra.)

I woke up and we were still in the car.  I grabbed my phone and went to the camera and checked myself. I had dried tears on my face from earlier.  Then I thought of Stefan and when I said I love you to him. I have never said it to a guy and actually mean it. I miss him. I want to see him smile I want to hear him laugh. I looked at my phone and I remembered I had his number. I decided I would text him.

"Hi /.\"

"Hi :( I miss you.

"I miss you too."

I looked away from my phone and waited for him to write back. He's in class so I know he won't be able to write back fast. I hope his parents come to  Virginia.

(Okay I'm down Alejandra will continue later.. Bye: Janelly)

We stopped by this diner to get something to eat. We took our seats. I was on my phone waiting for Stefan to text me back. My dad kept on looking at me. "What?" I asked. He just shook his head and looked down. What?, was he disappointed of me? What did I do?.. I felt my phone vibrate. I quickly unlocked it. "Put it away...." My dad said. I just looked at him. "Put it in your pocket and look at the menu." He told me. I sighed and putted it in my pocket. I wanted to see the text so bad. I already knew what I was getting.  "Ummmm.. I gotta use  the bathroom.." I said. My mom nodded and I went to the bathroom. I unlocked my phone and went to see the text. It was from Nancy.

"You're not in gym?.... Oh! That's right! You're moving..! Far....... Far..... Far... Away! Away from Stefan. Ohhh! I see him now. ;) byeee... Xoxoxo"

I really wanted to just kick her in her throat. Punch her face.... Take her by her hair and bang her head on the floor multiple of times. That's how I felt. I was angry. I was holding my fist tight. I walked back to the table. My mom noticed I was angry. "What's wrong honey?" She asked. "Nothing..." I told her. I wanted Stefan. I wanted to see him, hear his voice, smell him. I already was missing him. We all ordered our food. "Soooo..." My mom said. She was trying to get a conversation going. I just sighed and looked down. I wanted to cry, but I was holding it back.... I didn't want my parents to see me cry again. My phone vibrated again... This time my mom heard it. She looked at me. And I looked at her. "Ummmmm babe? Can you go to the car and get my.... Purse?.. Please" My mom told my dad. He just shook his head and went. At first I was confused. "Go..." She said. "Huh?" I didn't know what she was talking about. "Your phone.... Hurry before your father comes" She told me. I knew what she was talking about and smiled. I quickly got my phone. I seen who the message was from......

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