Chapter 14

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Gym was over and I went to the locker room to confront Nancy. I grabbed her by her shoulders and pushed her against the lockers. "LISTEN! I KNOW YOU STARTED THIS RUMOR! AND YOU BETTER TELL EVERYBODY! THAT IT'S NOT TRUE!...  OKAY?" Everybody was staring but I didn't even care. Nancy was just staring at me. A girl said. "Whoa... Calm down you're pregnant don't get worked up." I was waiting for Nancy to respond. The bell rang and Nancy just pushed me and left. I was so angry. I just wanted to set the school on fire. I heard my name on the announcement to go to the counselor's office. I went and saw Stefan there. I sit next to Stefan. It was quiet for a bit then the counselor spoke. "The principal told me to talk to you guys.. He said that you guys tried to accuse someone for a rumor?.." "Yes" I said. "Okay then tell me all about it." Oh I had a lot to say. "Well... This girl, Nancy was jealous of me cause Stefan likes me and not her and she told me that I better watch it. Or else... So anyways we were going out. Then Nancy started this rumor that I'm pregnant.." The counselor just nodded and was writing stuff down. "So do you have any proof that it was Nancy?" I knew the counselor wasn't going to believe me.. "Oh! How about that text you got from her at the funeral?" Stefan said. "I deleted it... " I said. Stefan looked pissed. The counselor said to wait here and she will be back. About 5 minutes later she comes in with Nancy. She sits next to Stefan. What a shocker..  She's acting all innocent. "Why am I here? What did I do?" I was so angry. "YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT YOU DID! DON'T TRY TO ACT ALL INNOCENT!" I shouted. The counselor told me to lower my voice but I couldn't help it. Nancy spoke. "Look.. I don't know what's going on here... Can someone please explain?" "You started a rumor that Janelly is pregnant and don't try to act all dumb like you don't even know cause I know that you know.." Stefan said. Nancy looked all confused. "What? I have no idea what you are taking about! I heard that you are pregnant from someone else but I never said that." I knew she was lying. "Who?" The counselor asked. "From Ashley." Nancy said. "NO! DON'T BLAME THIS ON ASHLEY! SHE IS MY FRIEND AND I KNOW THAT SHE WILL NEVER DO THAT!" The counselor called Ashley down. I knew that she didn't do anything. Ashley came in and She looked frightened. She sat next to me. The counselor asked. "So you know what is going on here right?" Ashley nodded her head without saying anything. I thought that was weird cause most of the time she is talking. "Did you start this rumor?.." The counselor asked. Ashley was quiet and was looking at me. She was getting upset. "Ummmm.... Yeah.." She said. Stefan and I were shocked. "Are you serious!?" I said. Ashley nodded her head. "Told you...." Nancy said. I was crying again. So Stefan putted his arm around me. "I.... I'm sorry." Ashley said. "But why?.. I thought you were my friend?" I asked. She just stood quiet. I knew she was hiding something else. I can see it in her eyes. The counselor said that tomorrow morning everybody is going to report to the gym so Ashley can tell everybody that I'm not pregnant and to tell them to leave me and Stefan alone. I was glad about that. But I was upset that Ashley told that rumor. Why would she even do that?....

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