Chapter 7

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So I went to Chemistry and waited for Stefan to come. He came in, sat next to me. Everybody was talking, whispering and laughing. So I just ignored them. "Hey are people..." Stefan cut me off and said. "Giving me a hard time.. yeah..." He said. "Who even said that we kissed?" He asked. I knew what to say "Nancy!" I told him. He was shocked. "Yeah... She likes you and she told me to stay away from you.. or..." I was cut off again.. Stefan said "Or.... what?.." "Or.... she will... Well I don't know.. But, she said to just watch it and I'm afraid of what she is capable of doing.." I told him. Stefan was just so shocked. I was nervous. Stefan told me "Well... I always thought Nancy was a good person.. But... I'm not going to ignore you just cause of... Some mean bitch said that you can't." I was just upset. "Yeah... But... I don't wanna get hurt.. or anything.." I said. Stefan was just staring at me and said. "Well.. She's not going to hurt you  and I will make sure of it.. I really like you Janelly and I won't let anything or anybody hurt you. I'm here for you." He smiled. Then I smiled. The teacher came in and started to teach. We are t going to work with fluids soon. I can't wait. It was lunch time and I saw Stefan sitting with some friends and there was an empty seat next to him.. I guess he was saving it for me. He saw me and was doing hand motions and holding the chair so I can sit next to him. I looked around for Nancy. I saw her with her tray, walking to the empty seat and sat next to him. Stefan's mood changed I can tell. It changed to happy then frustrated. I said "sorry" to him even though we were distanced he can read my lips. I sat next to Ashley upset. She noticed that I was upset. "What's wrong?" She asked. I didn't know whether to tell her or not. But, I did I said "Nancy likes Stefan and she told me to stay away from him... and she saw us kissing I told her to not tell anybody and.... She did!." Ashley face was just blank like she didn't have any emotions like she heard this before. "Hehh..... what a shock..." Ashley said. "What you mean?" I asks. Ashley just looked at me and said "Well this did happen before.. With me." I was shocked. So she continued.. "Yeah.. we both liked the same guy once and she told me the same shit that she told you." I was just shocked I couldn't believe it.. "So.. what happened?" I asked. "Every time I was with the boy, She kept on spreading rumors.. Like one was that I was a prostitute... and the other one was that I had aids.." She looked at me with a little emotion she was a little upset. "Well didn't you tell the principal?" I was so curious. "Oh I did! But he didn't do anything because Nancy's mom was doing "stuff" with him.. and still is.." She said with anger. "Well.. Then how did this stop?" I asked. "The boy moved and she tried to be my friend again but I didn't let her." I was shocked I know I had to do something about this.... Before it gets out of hand. I have to think about what to do... I see Nancy flirting with Stefan. But, I could tell that Stefan didn't like it. He was looking at me.... I'm going to talk to him in gym...

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