Chapter 3

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The school day is over. I get my things out of my locker and head out. I walk alone and guess who I see coming?.. Yeah..   Stefan. He has a car he's driving up to me. "Hey!" He said. "Uhhhh hi" I said. "Do you wanna ride?" He asks?.. I didn't know what to say so I just said.. "Yeah sure" Then I got in the car. "Soooo..... Valentines is coming up.." Stefan said.. "Yeah I know. " I said. "Do you have a boyfriend to be your Valentine?" He asks. I said "No do you have a girlfriend to be your Valentine?." "No, I'm new here" He said and laughed. But this time  I didn't feel embarrassed, so I just laughed. He drops me off at my house and opens the car door like a gentleman. So I give him a hug and let go.. but Stefan didn't let go.. "ummmmm Stefan?.." I said. He was just holding to me, staring at me. He was leaning his head down to reach my face. I was assuming he was going to kiss me.. His lips puckered up but,... I stopped him. He looked at me then let go.. "I'm sorry.." I said. Then went in my house without looking back.. Why did he try to kiss me?.. Does he like me?.. More important.. why didn't I let him kiss me?.. My mom was home and I was shocked.. "Hey mom why aren't you at work?" I asks... "I had the day off.. are you okay?.. you look worried?" My mom said. I said "no... I'm fine.. I just had a really hard chemistry test" I lied... I didn't wanna explain what happened. Then she will make a big deal out of it and tell everybody about it. So I just walked up stairs to my room and layed on my bed thinking...

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