Chapter 19

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What did I do wrong?... What the hell did I do? "Can someone please tell me what I did?" I asked. The principal got up and said. "You had sex in the girls bathroom and...." " WHOA WHOA WHOA... I HAD SEX IN THE BATHROOM?! I DID NOT!" I yelled. "Calm down..." The principal said. " I CAN'T CALM DOWN!  IM STILL A VIRGIN! I DIDN'T HAVE SEX AND IF I DID THEN WITH WHO?!" I said. Nancy was looking at Stefan and said. "Him..." Stefan was just standing there quietly then he said. "Janelly and I didn't have sex that was just a rumor that Nancy started."  It was quiet for a while then the principal started to speak. "Well anyways... You also wrote on the girls bathroom stall. It has every girl in this school's name on it except yours and something written about them.." Please tell me this isn't happening now... Why? Why me?... What did I do to deserve this?.. I know it's all Nancy.. "I didn't do anything!" I said with tears running down my face. "I never did those things!" I yelled while Stefan was holding me. "It was all Nancy!" I said. Then her mom stood up and said. "DON'T YOU DARE BLAME MY GOOD DAUGHTER! I KNOW SHE WOULDN'T DO THIS! SHE'S GOOD AND  AN ANGEL!" I was getting really scared then Stefan started to talk. "Look.... We all know Janelly. Especially me...  And I know that she would never do this..." I couldn't believe that my parents weren't sticking up for me.... They were just sitting there. "MOM! DAD! YOU KNOW I DIDN'T DO THIS RIGHT?.." They were just sitting there. "RIGHT!?!" I yelled. Then finally my mom spoke. "Listen baby... I'm sorry but we are moving to Virginia with my sister now..  Okay?" I was just blank.. "Why?" I asked. "Cause you and I  can't risk it." My mom said. I was getting really angry now..  "What! you mean?! You and I can't risk it?" I asked. "We can't risk you getting pregnant or... Getting hurt.." My mom told me, crying. I can't move... I don't wanna move... What am I going to do?... Tears were running down my face. Stefan was holding me. He was crying also. We both knew it was all Nancy. "IT WAS ALL NANCY! SHE STARTED THE RUMOR AND SHE WROTE  ON THE BATHROOM STALL! NOT ME!" I shouted. " WHY THE HELL WOULD I START A RUMOR! I'M NOT LIKE THAT! AND WHY WOULD I WRITE ABOUT MYSELF ON THE STALL! YOU REALLY HURT ME JANELLY!" Nancy yelled. She was fake crying I can tell. "What did she write about you?.." Her mom asked. Nancy was still fake crying and said. "She wrote... That I was a little attention seeking whore..." Oh my god! I said to myself. "NO I DIDN'T!" I said. Even though that is true. But I didn't. I gotta find a way to show proof that I didn't do it.... And soon!

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