Chapter 21

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"What you mean they are on it?" I asked. Ashley looked at me like I was stupid. Well... I had a feeling that they were on it. I was looking at Ashley with a serious face, then she said. "I heard them talking about it.... Making you leave.." I knew it. "Why?" I asked. "Cause... So she can have Stefan an-..." Ashley was cutoff by Stefan. "HA! YEAH RIGHT! SHE'S NOT HAVING ME! I AIN'T NO DAMN CAR SEAT! YOU JUST CAN'T "HAVE ME"!" Damn... Stefan sounds sexy when he is getting angry. "Well anyways.... As what I was saying... She wants Stefan an-...." She was cutoff again by me this time... "I don't get why she wants Stefan so badly?..." Ashley was getting annoyed and said. "Well... I would love to tell yous why.. But I keep on getting cutoff.." I felt bad. "Sorry" Stefan and I said. She continued to speak again. "So yeah she wants Stefan an-...." She paused. "What?.. Why did you pause?" I asked. "Oh I'm sorry I was afraid that I was gana get cutoff again.." She said with a grin. I just shook my head and punch her lightly in the arm.  We both laughed. "Continue.. " I said. "Okay....So yeah she wants him.... Because of many reasons... Stefan... Your dad owns a business right?.. She asked. "Yeah... Why!" He answered. "So your dad makes a lot of money.. Right?" She asked. Stefan was confused. "Yeah" He said. "Well.... Ashley's dad is losing a lot of money.. I don't know why but, that's what I heard. So she wants Stefan for his money. And, she it's always been a thing but when she don't get what she wants she loses it." I can't believe what Ashley is telling me. "What you mean she loses it?" I asked. "She does stupid things to herself..  Her parents never taught her right... And she never had a boyfriend for the last 3 years.. Because everybody knows her and about her past.. She almost stabbed her ex because he was breaking up with her. Now since Stefan is the new guy he doesn't know that much about her." Ashley was telling us all this stuff. "Well.... I know that she's a crazy... Psycho.... Bitch..." Stefan said. I giggled a bit. "So now what do we do?" I asked. It was quiet. Nobody didn't know what to do at this point...

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