Chapter 11

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Then Stefan went up there. Everybody was staring at him. He looked nervous. He took a swallow and started to speak. "I'm going to continue what my girlfriend was saying..." I saw Nancy walking in again. Then Stefan continued. "Well... She is right don't think just cause Maria is gone that she won't be with us still.. We may not see her but, she is in spirit. I didn't know Maria all that well.. But I knew that my girlfriend Janelly was her bestfriend. And there is this girl.. Who is always bugging her and me too. This girl is mean! She is also ignorant." I knew where Stefan was going with this. "Yeah.. This girl likes me.. But I don't like her. She tries to threaten my girlfriend to not be with me, but she is. Well... As was I was saying... Maria will protect us! From the bad stuff even that one girl who is jealous of Janelly and me. If that girl Ever tries to hurt! My girl Janelly! Maria will protect her!" A huge smile came on my face. Stefan was finished. He walked down. He grabbed my face and kissed me. It was weird cause we were at a funeral. But I didn't care. I'm pretty sure Maria wouldn't mind. After the funeral Nancy walked up to us and she said. "I'm sorry..." And walked away. "Was that your plan Stefan?" I asked. Stefan said "What plan?" He sounded confused. "Well.... My actual plan was to convinced the principal and her mom to send her off to another school." He said. Oh thank god. I said to myself. Going out with me wasn't the plan. My parents were walking up to us..  "Soooooo.....Congratulations!" My mom said and gave us a hug. Then she went on. "It's about time! Janelly!" I just laughed. I heard my  dad whispered in Stefan's ear. "Just don't hurt my little Janelly.. Okay? Cause if you do. I will find you" Then he just shook his hand and walked away. Stefan took me home. He kissed me again. So I kissed back. I go inside and go to sleep. I gotta early text from Stefan it said "Good morning! My sweet beautiful princess! I will pick you up at 7:45 xoxo." I smiled at the text and blushed a bit. I got ready, by 7:30 I'm downstairs waiting. My parents are finally working again. I heard a honk outside and its Stefan. It's exactly 7:45 like what he said. I get in his car. I wonder how school will be today with Nancy.... We arrive at the school, holding hands. People are staring at us. Somebody even asked me how many months am I?.. I was so confused? Somebody asked Stefan how was it?.. He was even confused. People were staring at my stomach... Then I saw Ashley and asked her about it. "Hey, do you know what's going on?.. Why are people asking me how many months am I? And Why are they staring at my stomach, why are they asking Stefan how was it?" Ashley said "Oh... You don't know?..Nancy started a rumor about you and Stefan." I was so pissed and upset. I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't yell. "Yeah... She said that you're pregnant." I knew she was going to do something.. "Okay thanks Ashley." I said and walked away to find Stefan. I wasn't upset I was just mad. I passed Nance and she yelled my name. "HEY JANELLY! HEARD YOU'RE PREGO! I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM THAT BOY!" People started laughing.. I really needed to find Stefan. To talk to him. I'm too upset to talk to anybody else.....

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