Chapter 28

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The phone was just ringing I kept starring at it. "Answer it?.." Calum said. I answered it.


"Janelly!! It's about time we talk!"

I just stood silent.

"Soooo.... How's Virginia?"

"Good... How's Nancy-... I mean how are you?.."

Stefan stood quiet for 5 seconds."

"Nancy?... Nancy?.. I don't even talk to her?!.. Why would you even ask that?"

"..... Well.... You lied to me!..  It's been a month Stefan! A month! And you're still not here! You said you would come!"

Calum was starring at me all confused....


Even Calum heard him. His mouth opened up wide.

"If you loved me... Then you would of been here.... You're probably with her and not even telling me!"

"I'm not!!"

I hanged up, crying.. Calum sat next to me. He put his arm around me. "Who was that?" He asked. "My ex boyfriend!" I put my face on my hands. "What happened?.." He asked. I sighed and said. "I didn't want to move here... At first. But my parents made me! Cause of this one girl, Nancy. She wanted Stefan, my ex so badly... She started rumors... And stuff. She's the only reason why I moved. And Stefan promised me that he would come here.... But he's not." Tears were running down my face. "He's not right for you Janelly! You need a better boyfriend. Someone who actually loves you and cares.... Doesn't lie! Doesn't make you cry... Someone who will always be there for you.. Make you laugh... Someone like-..." I cut him off.. "Like you.... " He smiled and leaned over to kiss me. His sister opened the door.. "AHHH! GET A ROOM!" She yelled. I laughed. "This is my room! You dumb bell!" Calum said back. I kept on laughing. "At least put up a  sign on your door! You Asian.... Looking Australian... Who lives in Virginia!" She said. I bursted out laughing. He threw a pillow at her. "Stop it children!" I said. They both started laughing. "Let's go to the mall." Calum said. "Yay!" Ally shouted. She grabbed her pink  jacket. She's a girly girl.. Just like  Maria. I thought to myself.  Man... I miss her... We got in the car. Ally was sitting in the back. I was sitting next to Calum. "Which mall?" Calum asked Ally. "The other one!" She said smiling. I laughed. "She's funny!!" I said. Calum laughed and started to drive. I turned on the music. Partition was playing by Beyonce. "This is my song! Turn up!" Ally shouted.  I turned it up and she was singing along. " Driver roll up the partition please

Driver roll up the partition please

I don't need you seeing 'yonce on her knees

Took 45 minutes to get all dressed up

We ain't even gonna make it to this club

Now my mascara running, red lipstick smudged

Oh he so horny, he want to fu-..

He bucked all my buttons, he ripped my blouse." Wow she can sing.. "You can sing girl!" I told her. She smiled. It took us 10 minutes to get the mall. We went in and Ally was all happy. "OHHHH LET'S GO IN DEB!" She yelled. Me and Calum followed. "So why are you getting a dress?" I asked. "For a party... Calum didn't invite you?" I looked who was smiling. "No... He didn't..." I said. "I was going too.." He said. I just laughed. "Ooohhh... This dress is pretty.." I showed her. It was a pretty green short dress with sparkles. She shook her  head no. Calum was also looking. "This dress is cool..." He showed me and Ally. It was a long red dress with lace on the back. Ally shook her head no again. When he looked away she looked over at me like Calum was crazy. I giggled. "Ohhhh... This one!!" She yelled. Calum and I starred. She was holding it up. It was a beautiful short blue ombre dress with sparkles. "That's pretty!!" I said. She smiled and went to try it on. Even though she is my age, she don't act like it. She reminds me so much of Maria. Maria would of picked that dress too. "I'm ready!" Ally yelled. "Let's see it!" Calum said. She opened the door. Wow... I thought to myself. "You look so pretty!" I said. "Right Calum!?" I pushed Calum. He was just smiling. "Oh! He never calls me pretty!" Ally said laughing. I punched him in the arm. "Ow!" I just stared at him. "You are pretty... I just never tell you.." Calum said. Ally smiled and gave him a hug. "I love you big bro..." She said. "I love you too.." She got back in the fitting room. I smiled at Calum. "Be more nice to your sister... She's a good person ..."  He giggled. "Okay.... Mom.." He said laughing. She got out of the room and we went upfront to pay it.

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