Chapter 23

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My mom just looked at me in a shock face. "Are we still moving?" I asked. "Yes.." She said. I literally wanted to cry. I don't get it?... She just said that she believed me.... And we're still moving?! "Why?" She  just looked sorry. "WHY!?" I said. "Cause.... Your Father and I can't risk it." Stefan putted his arm around me. "Risk it?..." My mom bit her lip and said. "Yes... If yucky Nancy can do this! You can see what else she is capable of." She said. I looked up at Stefan and he shook his head. I don't know what to do at this point..." So when are we moving?" My mom sighed and said. "Today.." I was shocked. "Today?!..  Ain't that a little too soon?!"  My mom shook her head no and said. "We already packed your stuff." I looked at Stefan with tears. We were hugging. I smelled his jacket. For some reason it comforted me. My mom grabbed me to let go... We walked  to the car where my dad was waiting. My mom went in the passengers seat.  Me and Stefan both looked at each other. He started to cry I had to hug him.. "I'm gana try my best to get  to Virginia as soon as possible." He said. My dad cleared his throat. We let go. I said "Goodbye..... I love you Stefan." Then he stopped me and kissed me. "Never say goodbye... I love you too"  He said. I went in the car and my we took off. I really didn't want to move. I can't believed I said I love you to Stefan.  I'd never told him that. At least he said it back. I put my headphones on and leaned my head against the window.  I kept on thinking about him..... I closed my eyes, holding back my tears. I got a text from Nancy. I looked to see what I was.

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