Chapter 18

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"Who are you?" I asked. The person was wearing a black hoody. I didn't know if it was a boy or a girl the face was covered with a mask. The person came closer. I was scared. The person took the mask off and it was Stefan. "OH MY GOD YOU SCARED ME! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I yelled. "Shhhh....   Don't yell. Come on let's sneak out the window." He said. "What why?" I asked. He said, "Come on I will explain later." He gave me the mask to put on and grabbed my hand and went out the window. We were speed walking and I was laughing. I don't know why. We went behind an old abandoned house. I take off my mask. "Why did you do that?" I asked. It took a minute for Stefan to answer. "Because.... I don't want you to get in trouble for something stupid.... And..." I was confused when he said "and?" "And?.... What you mean and I'm already gana get into more trouble for sneaking out!" I said. It took a while for Stefan to speak. "And.... I saw your mom and dad.... They were going to pick you up." He said. "WHAT! WHY?" I asked. Stefan was starting to cry and said. "You're moving..." I was confused. No one ever talked about moving. "I'm moving?! Where? No one ever told me? How you know? I asked. "I saw your parents and asked them why were here. Then they told me.." Tears were coming down his face. "Do you know where?" Stefan nodded his head. "Yes." He said. "Where?" I asked. "Virginia.." Then I was starting to cry.  I don't wanna move. I wanna stay here with Stefan. In my head I was thinking. Why didn't they tell me about this?.. Me and Stefan were both hugging. We went back to school even though I didn't want to. We both went into the principal's office and there was my parents and Nancy?.. And her mom. Why were they here?.. I was just standing there quietly and Stefan's arm around my waist. "welcome back!" The principal said. My mom was just staring at me like she was disgusted and ashamed of me. My dad's head was down. Nancy was smirking. "So.... What's going on?" I asked. Everybody was quiet. Then the principal spoke. "You know what you did was really unacceptable.. Right?" I took a deep breath and said. "Yeah.. I know Punching Nancy was unacceptable... But...." I was cut off by the principal. "Whoa... Whoa... Hold up. That's not what I'm talking about.. Even though that is unacceptable. But, that's not what I'm referring too.." I looked at Stefan. He looked confused as well. "Well... Then what? Cause I can't imagine what else I done that was soooo... Unacceptable." I said. Nancy said. "Are you mocking the principal?!" I felt like punching her in the face again. " Look Janelly didn't do anything bad." Stefan said. "OHH... STOP TRYING TO PROTECT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Nancy yelled. "I just wanna know! What did I do? CAUSE OBVIOUSLY I DON'T EVEN KNOW?" I yelled.  My mom had tears in her eyes and my dad's head was still down. Nancy's mom was just staring at me. WHAT DID I DO WRONG?.. 

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