Chapter 26

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One month later

Its been a month since I moved. Stefan doesn't talk to me as much anymore. I've been going to this school that I haven't even bothered to learn the name to but I kinda like the it. I don't have to deal with stupid people like Nancy. I've been talking to this one guy name Calum. He's cute but I don't like him he's just the closest I've got to a friend in that school. Its Saturday and me and Calum are hanging out today. I started to get dress then I went downstairs and waited for him. My mom and dad like Calum they keep trying to convince me to date him but I don't want to. I want to date Stefan. He's probably right now hanging out with Nancy. They probably already had their first date or for kiss together. I sighed then I heard a horn and I went outside and saw Calum in his dads car. I smiled at him and got in the car. "Hey" I said. "Hey" He said back. I smiled at him. It felt like I was with Stefan all over again. I wonder how he is doing? I just ignored my thoughts about him... Cause let's face it... He's not coming. He lied to me all along. "So where are we going?" I asked. "Chinese buffet." A smile came across my face. I love Chinese food. "You look pretty." Calum said. "Thanks." Maybe I am catching feelings for him... Nah.... I can't. I still love Stefan. Me and Calum both have a lot in common. We both love monkeys, color green, Chinese food. The same music. I kept staring at him and every time when he looked at me I turned my head. And he just laughs. It took us 10 minutes to get here. We got our food, then got our seats. It was a bit quiet, then he talked. "Soooo... How are you." Awwww I find it cute when he tires. "Good." I said. After that Calum put his head down. "Are you okay??" I asked. He just ignored me. "Calum!!" I said out loud. "Shhhh.. " He said. Then after a minute he finally put his head up. "What was all that about?" He looked embarrassed. "I just saw my ex." He told me. "Sooooo...... Just cause you see your ex doesn't mean that you have to hide..." I said. "I know... But she was the worst I ever had! She always got jealous.... I couldn't be with anybody but her. She was always in control of me... It was a pain to break up with her. Even when I did she still acted like we were a couple. She's crazy! Kept on following me around... Calling me, texting me. Wrote me letters. I just ignored and she stopped." Wow... I thought to myself. I knew how he must of felt. I know where he was coming from. "I know the feeling... My past relationships weren't good either. You think you know somebody... Then they surprise you....." I said sadly. Calum looked shock. "How?... How can a pretty girl like you have bad relationships?... No man should treat a girl like you awful. What was the worst relationship you ever had?.." He asked me. I was staring up at the ceiling thinking. "Oooohhh... This is a hard one... Oh! I know. The worst relationship I ever had was with this one guy name Chris. At first it was good. But then it was turning all around. He was so obsessed with me. He always wanted to know where I was going?.. When was I going? When would I be back? Who am I going to be with? Till one time I just left without telling him. And I ignored his calls and text messages. And I went to his place and his parents weren't home. We had this big argument and the next thing I knew... He was beating on me... I was on the floor crying, trying to block myself and I was bleeding. My nose was broken.. An-.." I started to cry. I was getting flashbacks on what happened. Calum put his hand on top of my hand and said. "You don't have to finish if you don't want too." I shook my head and finished eating. After we were done eating he drove me home. "Thanks for a good night." I told him. "You're welcome." He said back. We stared both into each others eyes, leaned in towards each other our lips pressed against each other. We kissed.

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