Chapter 12

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I walked up to Stefan and he had a really confused face. "Um bae why is everyone asking me how was it?" I was scared to tell him because I didn't want to see his reaction but I had to. "Nancy told everyone that I'm pregnant" His face turned pale. "SHE DID WHAT?!" He yelled. Some kid yelled "HEY! DON'T YELL AT YOUR PREGNANT GIRL LIKE THAT IT'S NOT GOOD!" I just broke down and started to cry. Stefan was there to comfort me... "We gotta do something about this..." He said. "Like what! They won't do anything about this!" We were holding on to each other. "Hey!  Doing it like that won't help! Especially Standing up! And by the way.  Ain't she already pregnant?" Stefan got really frustrated. "SHE'S NOT PREGNANT! I'M STILL A VIRGIN!" Stefan shouted. Everybody laughed really loud. Then Stefan realized that he just told everyone that he is a virgin. He just walked away. So I followed him. He walked into the principal's office. "Yes Mr.

Salvatore and Ms. Lugo how may I help you?" The principal asked. "People are spreading rumors about us!?" Stefan said angrily. "I'd appreciate that you would not use that tone of voice with me..." The principal said. Stefan's face got really red. So I had to say something. "So..  what? You don't care about your students?... You don't care if somebody is spreading rumors?.." I asked. " Who is spreading rumors and what is the rumor about?" It sounded like the principal didn't care. " Nancy! And the rumor is that me and Janelly had sex and that she is pregnant." Stefan said. "Nancy?.. Nancy Burdolf?" The principal asked. We both said "YES!" The principal didn't believe us he said "I doubt that.  She is one of the best students here?.. Now if you children are lying that's a big deal." Me and Stefan got really mad. "WE AREN'T LYING! WHY THE HELL WOULD WE LIE ABOUT THIS!?" Stefan yelled. He looks hot when he is angry. "Stefan.  This is unacceptable behavior! Now I want both of you to leave before you two get in trouble!" The principal told us. I couldn't believe this..  "OH! I SEE YOU'RE ONLY DOING THIS CAUSE YOU DON'T WANT NANCY TO GET IN TROUBLE! AND I KNOW WHY! CAUSE YOU'RE DOING IT WITH HER MOM!" I shouted. The principal's face was shocked. "THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE MS. LUGO! NOW YOU HAVE A TWO HOUR DETENTION WITH ME! NOW LEAVE MY OFFICE!!" The principal yelled us. So I just ran out with tears on my face. everybody was in class. It was only me and Stefan. We were holding on to each other while I was crying. "It's going to be okay..." Stefan tried to comfort me. I didn't say anything.. I kept on crying on his shoulder. "And trust me.. Nancy isn't going to win this..." I wondered what Stefan got planned now...

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