Chapter 10

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It was 3pm and we got up to go in Stefan's car. He drove me home for some reason it was quiet. We arrive

at my house and Stefan like always holds the car door open for me. "Thank you." I said. "You're welcome beauty." He said. He follows me to my house door. He's staring at me and won't say anything. "Why are you staring at me?" I asked. He smiles "Cause you're so... beautiful." I start to blush and laugh. He takes a deep breath and swallows. I wonder  why?.. "Ummmmm...." He said looking nervous. "I know the last time I asked you and you denied.. But.......... Will you be my princess so I can spoil you. The way you are deserved to. I promise not to break your heart. But you can break mine at any time.. It would be a honor" He said. I was shocked. My face turned in to a big smile... Maybe love does exists.. So.... I guess I will give it another try. It's been like 3 years. He did promise not to break my heart." Yes! Yes I will be your princess as long as you don't break my royal heart!" I said. Stefan couldn't stop smiling and neither could I. "Really?.." He asked. "Well.. if you don't want to..." I said. "NO NO I DO!" He said really loud. He picked me up and gave me a big, long, tight hug. I couldn't breathe. He let go after two minutes. Then we made out. We didn't kiss! We made out! For about five minutes. I didn't care if Nancy saw us or not.. Stefan said that he's gotta plan, but I didn't know what. Wait..... What if going out with me part of his plan?..  I hope it wasn't, I hope it was real. He gave me another hug and said. "Bye beautiful." "Bye cutie." I said. I  went inside. Shockingly my dad was here. "GET DRESSED HURRY!" He yelled at me. "Why are you yelling?" My mom came and was wearing all black and so was my dad. Oh my god... Maria's funeral! I can't believe I forgot! I blame Nancy! I ran upstairs to quickly get dressed. I walk down wearing a black dress. We all went in the car. To go I can't believe that I forgot.. We finally made it. We were a little late. There was a lot of people there. Everybody was crying even me. I went up to her coffin. I seen her lying there dead..  I started to tear up.. Then I saw Nancy watching me and laughing at me. She knew that Maria was my best friend. I saw Ashley coming to me. She gave me a long hug. I was crying all over her shoulder like I was with Stefan. Wow.. I wish he were here.. No more than ten minutes I saw Stefan wearing all black. But.. He doesn't even know Maria. He came up to me and hugged me. I knew he was here for me.. Then I decided to go up to the microphone to make a speech. "Um mm... Excuse me everybody.. We will all miss Maria truly. I'm her best friend.. Well... Was.. But we all shouldn't assume that she's not here anymore... She is! Just in spirit and she will protect us from bad things. Like bad ignorant people." I was looking at Nancy when I said that. Stefan was all eyes on me. He was even shocked. Cause I never spoke up like that. I left the microphone to hug Stefan again. I'm pretty sure my parents found out that we were going out. I seen Nancy walking away. She texted me "Now you're going to pay!" I showed Stefan. He looked furious. "Oh.. Just wait.. " He said. He sounded pretty hot. I was getting excited. I don't know why?..

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