Chapter 30

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"Oh... You're going to Calum's house right??" I asked him. "Yeah... How do you know Calum?" For some reason he looked confused. "School.." He laughed a bit. "Oh yeah... Well I guess I'll see ya there.. I gotta go bye.." I smiled and he left.


It's finally Saturday. I got an hour to get dressed. I put on black tights and a pretty lacey sleeveless white shirt on and I put my hair in bouncy big curls. And I put a white lacey bow on my hair to match. I felt so beautiful. I walked down stairs and my parents were even shocked. I never usually dress like this. "My daughter looks so beautiful." My mom said, crying and she got up to give me a hug. "Doesn't she?.." My mom asked my dad. "She is... But she better watch them boys.." I laughed and gave him a hug. "Bye.." They waved and I left. I decided to walk there cause I'm assuming Calum is helping to set up the party. The house is big. When I was walking I saw a big group of guys up the street. They were whistling at me. "Sexy..." One of the guys said. I rolled my eyes and ignored them. About 10 minutes I arrived at the party. I already saw a lot of people in there. I was getting a bit nervous. I saw Ally's boyfriend Luke he was sitting on the porch on his phone. I wonder why Ally's isn't with her. I sat next to him. And he looked at me. "Why are you sitting out here and not in there with Ally?" I asked him. "Cause I just don't like being in a place with a lot of people..It's not my thing.." I agreed with him. "I know me too." He smiled at  me and said. "You look pretty." He was leaning towards me. I was just confused and the next thing I knew his lips pressed against mines. I heard the front door open. "OH MY GOD!!" I jumped and turned around to see it was Ally. I quickly stood up. She was already crying. "UHH BABY!" Luke yelled. "DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME BABY EVER AGAIN!" Ally shouted.  "Ally... He..-" She cut me off. "WHY WOULD YOU KISS HIM! YOU'RE DATING MY BROTHER!" I was about to say something but, she ran inside. So I chased after her. "Ally!" I grabbed her arm. She threw her soda into my face and everybody saw, including Calum. The music was so loud. "I DON'T EVER WANNA SEE YOU HERE!" She was about to go upstairs but, Calum grabbed her. "Let me go!" She yelled. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?" Calum asked. "LET THE HELL GO OF ME NOW!" She yelled at Calum. His face was getting mad. "DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT MISSIE! YOU AND I BOTH KNOW WHAT MOM WILL SAY!" Ally was standing on the step crying and her friends were coming. "Ally what's wrong?.." They were asking her. "SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST SO GREEDY!" She shouted and looked at me, then she ran upstairs. They all looked at me. Nick came now. "Sup guys..." I rolled my eyes and went upstairs, Calum followed me. I knocked on her door. "ALLY!... COME ON... ALLY PLEASE ANSWER THE DOOR!.." She was ignoring me I looked over at Calum who was confused. I was banging onto the door, then she finally answered. "Can I come in?.." I asked. "NO!" Calum gave her a dead stare, then she moved to the side so we could come in. "NOW WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED?!.."

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