Chapter 17

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Before Ashley spoke I quickly ran up to her.  "Tell everybody that it was Nancy." I told her. She had a blank look on her face and said. " I can't.....  She's gana tell everybody my secrets." I just looked at her and thought for a while I know she doesn't want people to know about what she did but she can't keep messing up my love life just so Nancy can keep her secret. "Look...  I know that you don't want them to know your secrets but I don't want mines  and Stefan's love to be over..." I told her. Ashley just said. "Sorry" Then turned to the microphone I was standing behind her. She started to speak. "Ummmmm.... Excuse me... Everybody.." The students got quiet. "I heard that you all know about the rumor about Janelly being pregnant and that Stefan is the dad.... But......." I stopped her. "Its not true.... And you're all probably wondering who spreaded the rumor..." I stopped and looked at Ashley. "It was Ashley.." Everybody started talking about it. "Excuse me!" I said. Then they got quiet. "But! It wasn't her fault, someone made her spread the rumor. So they won't get into trouble." A student said "who?" Ashley looked nervous. "You see... This certain someone likes my boyfriend Stefan... And she is jealous.... She even told me to stay away from him or else. She will do something. I guess this is it. She told Ashley to spread the rumor or she will tell everybody her secrets. It was ...... Nancy." They were all talking again.. Nancy was walking towards us. She push Ashley to the side and said. "I told you not to tell it was me... Guess I'm gana have to tell everybody your secret".. Ashley was really nervous Nancy went to the microphone and stared to speak. "Ashley.... Did something really bad.. That I think you all should know.. That she.." I stopped her and punch her in the face. I guess I panic. The security guard ran to me and took me to the principal's office. Ashley texted me. I quickly check what she texted me. "Thank you." It said. I smiled. At first I felt bad but now I feel good. I'm waiting for the principal to come. Then someone comes in and it's not the principal...

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