Chapter 33

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Ally stood up. "Excuse me...! Can you guys please be quiet...! Thank you!" She sat back down. I just rolled my eyes. I heard them laughing. Luke shook his head. The waiter came with our food. After we ate Luke took me back to his house. His parents weren't home. Which was good, because I don't wanna meet his parents yet. It's too soon. We stayed in his living room. The lights were off and we were watching a comedy. We were cuddling on the couch. Every time I got closer to Luke. He always moved and it was quiet. I think he was uncomfortable. I got up and turned the lights on. "What up?.." I asked him. He stared at me in confusion. "What you mean?..." I rolled my eyes. "Are you comfortable with me?..." He stood quiet. "Luke?..." He sighed and said. "I like you..... But...." I cut him off. "Then why did you kiss me!?..." He was staring at the floor. "I thought I did..... But I just don't feel the same way as...." He stopped. I looked at him in disbelief. I shooked my head. "As?...." I said. "Don't make me say it Janelly..." I couldn't believe what I was hearing." I sighed and stared at the door. "So you still have feelings for her?..." He nodded his head. "So.... You just fooled with our heads?.." I asked. I saw a tear running down his face. "What made you kiss me?... Knowing you still liked her?.." He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know..... I just saw you and I felt something, but it went away." I chuckled in disbelief. "You must really liked her.... And you made a big mistake..." I told him. He nodded his head. "I know.... I'm stupid." He said. "You are..." I agreed. I got up and held out my hand. "Come...." I said. "What?.." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. I dragged him to Calum's house. "What are we doing here?.." He asked me in a sorrow voice. I ignored and rang the bell. Claim's mom answered it. "Hi Mrs. Hood. Are Calum and Ally here?.." She nodded her head yes. And opened the door wider. We went upstairs. I opened Calum's door. He was with Jeslian. She looked shock and Calum looked pissed. He got up and slammed the door. I mouth opened wide. I looked over at Luke. His eyes got big. I went to Ally's room. She was with Nick. "Hi Janelly." He said. I waved. Ally rolled her eyes. "Can you guys just leave..." She told us. I shook my head no and closed the door. "I should get going.... Bye Ally.." Nick said to Ally. "Bye Nicky..." He kissed her and left. I saw Luke put his head down. "Ally.... Luke-..." She cut me off. "I don't care!..." She crossed her arms. "But...." She cut me off again. "Can you guys leave!?" Calum entered the room. "What are you guys doing here!?" He asked, slamming the door. "To make things right!!..." I said loudly. "You can't make things right....." Ally said. I stared at her. "My first love kissed you.... And went out with you. You took him away from me. Janelly.... And you can't fix that." With that she got up and left the room. I saw tears running down his face. "Just leave!..." Calum yelled. "Shut up!" Luke shouted. He sat on her bed and I sat next to him. I put my arm around him. Calum sighed and left.

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