About sanghee's age

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SangHee was born in 2001 . And now I got an comment saying if she was 10 years old when she was with her mother . Thank you for the comment I am grateful you pointed it out .

Now I probably confused people about her age .

Let's begin

So it all began in the past

So around her time when she was 10 years old she was pretty young still in elementary school or you know what I mean, until she got into middle school she was 11 -14 years old and then highschool she was 15 to 16 years old until later on she auditioned in many companies but she got in SM so she was a trainee at the age of 15 and then debuted later after chewing gum era occurred so she turned about 16 years old when she debuted.
(But the sad part about her childhood was that her mother was a teen mom when her birth mom gave birth to her at the age of 14 years old. SangHee's mother was actually really young at that time, raising SangHee alone with out her baby daddy because her actually baby daddy left her and then she got a new baby daddy that later proposed to her when she was a bit younger but when SangHee was 10 years old her mom was probably 20 years old at that time .
So just wanted to add this since I did not have a big description. )

So pretty much she was still a trainee because she wanted to still improve her vocals and everything but SM was like to her she did not need to improve more of her vocals because she naturally has a very good voice and her vocals are very stable and strong .

But for SangHee when she was still a trainee many fans asked if SM picked her because of her beauty or picked because she sang in the streets. But she came out saying " SM did not pick me because of my Beauty, they picked me because I was unique to them and that I had really good potential and my voice was really good and that I had the talent . " so for the fans that is what made them like SangHee.

So yes SangHee did trainee years for about I would say 1 year and a half . So for her she debuted after chewing gum era so she joined in around The first era .

So yes she is indeed pretty young in the group like Jisung, so yea she was around 16 years old that got in to nct as the female member, she was announced to be the next NCT member. But apparently SM was picky with her and wanted her to be in Red velvet or Snsd or EXO but Sm learned that her style does not fit that three groups, so they choose Nct and found out she had good connection with the group once she got in she immediately clicked with the members so yes, Sm was a bit too much but that is how SangHee became the member of NCT .

I hope this helps a lot to the one who asked and to everyone and thank you so much for the feedback and comments it really helps me a lot with my books and yea 💕

Thank you again and I hope you guys have a lovely day and enjoy the nice weather too , and to those who celebrated Father's Day , happy fathers to you guys and yea.

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