Chapter 12

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Jin: We will surely get detention today but the detention will be not so worth it and cute as Y/n's smile.
He said and smiled and his other friends smiled and ran towards their classes.

Afternoon fell as the heat increased then the morning. The students were running here and there playing as Y/n stayed there on the bench observing everyone. They're playing as it was their game period but Y/n was left alone for not being in any group of friends. She was alone. Fiddling with her fingers she felt bad for herself for being alone. Getting up from the seat she made herself walk towards the class direction. Boys were playing basketball as one of them knowingly targeted her, hitting her head. She looked at them as everyone laughed out loudly. Tears filled her eyes as her head pounded from the hard impact of the ball. The teacher saw it but she ignored it as the teacher didn't liked her. She was quite good in studies but still she was treated badly by the way she looked.

Ignoring everything she walked towards her class and sat on her bench and did a head down. Caressing her head with her hands she cried. The torture for someone that small felt unbelievable. She closed her eyes and forced herself to sleep just to relieve her little stress. Tiffin time was right after that period but she was there with no money or no tiffin to feed her growling stomach. Tiffin time occurred within an interval of 20 minutes as some of her classmates entered the class to take their tiffin to the cafeteria and eat it as some of them made their way directly towards the cafeteria.

The three boys entered the class and looked at the small thin figure sleeping there peacefully. One of them walked towards her as he caressed her head slowly moving her body, with the feeling of movement over her body she opened her puffy eyes. He freaked out as he saw dried tears around her cheeks.

???: what's wrong...did you cry?
He said looking at the girl. Looking at him Y/n nodded.

???:why did you cry....did anyone hurt you?
He asked, getting scared of what new things must have happened to her.

???: they hit my head with a ball hobi oppa.
She said and caressed her head.

He sadly looked at her and caressed her head while she closed her eyes. The two boys walked forward towards her and said "let's go....need to eat lunch."
They said while Y/n opened her eyes and looked at them sadly "I don't have lunch nor money." She said and looked at them. "You all can go and eat yours. I am not that hungry." She said and smiled.

Three boys looked at her and lightly smiled. She was too pure. In fact going through all the pain she still could smile and they found her strong for that. Another one kneeled down as the older on observed his friends.

???: come eat with us.
He said as Y/n shook her head.

Hobi: why not?

Y/n: don't waste your money and lunch for me.....I am not that worth.
She said and looked at them.

???: who says you're not worth it....hmm
He asked

Y/n: daddy says.
She said as tears quickly covered her eyes. She had her head hung down low. Without any more words he carried her in his arms and started walking towards the cafeteria.

???: you're worth it princess. You mean a lot to us already...understand?
He asked as Y/n looked at him dully.

???: what did I say to you to call me?

Little Y/n: joonie oppa

Namjoon: and oppa also stands for brother right?
He said and asked her. Looking at her nod her head he smiled.

Namjoon: If I am your big brother then you're my little sister. And it's not good to call me brother if I don't even feed my princess well.?
He asked and looked at Y/n sitting down on the chair and placing her into another one.

Y/n looked at him and smiled hugging him. Namjoon laughed as the other two Jin and Hoseok hugged her too. Smiling Jin walked and brought food for all of them. Y/n smiled and giggled as they chuckled. After finishing the food Jin walked and sat beside Y/n.

Jin: Does your father do the things he did yesterday frequently?
Y/n looked at him and shocked her head answering his question.

Little Y/n: he beats me up, locks me in a dark room always but he did that yesterday thing for the first time.
Everyone looked at each other and at Y/n.

Jin: why don't you say he does all these things to your mommy.

He said but that sentence broke her heart. Only if she was here she would have never gone through that and all those worst thing. Hearing mom covered her eyes as tears started rolling down her cheeks.

Little Y/n: Mommy died while giving birth to me and daddy hates me for that.
She whispered.

To be continued...

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