Chapter 27

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A whisper left her lips.

Her eyes started leaving fresh water droplets with a mixture of saltiness over it. The guy who stood in front of her looked at her wondering if it was reality or his imagination. Her trembling hands covered her lips as she lightly sobbed. His eyes looked over the eyes which still held the pain like back then. Without any words he pulled her in a tight hug, crying too.

??: Y/n-iee

Y/N: oppa
She whispered.

Other two present in the room kept on looking at them as the little open held his dad's finger and wondered who it was. Taehyung looked at his little one pulling his fingers as he leaned down and held him over his arms. Both of them stopped weeping and separated the hug.

Y/n: joonie oppa.
She whispered again but smiling happily.

Namjoon wiped his and Y/n's tears and he smiled adorably. She lightly jumped and hugged him back and loud chuckles left his lips.

Namjoon: You still are that child, no change at all. Neither facial change nor anything else.
He said and caressed her hair.

Namjoon: how did you leave without saying bye to me and those two dorks.
He said as he separated her hug.

Y/n: Dad found about you three being close to me...and he changed my school.
She said, her face saddening.

y/n: but i am happy i got to see you again.

She said and jumped like a rabbit who found fresh carrots. The man in front of her giggled and looked at her happy self. His eyes fell over the other two who were looking at them with wonder.

Namjoon: hello...Mr.Kim Taehyung.
He said professionally as Y/n stopped jumping and looked at them. Closing the door after letting him in she looked at him from behind. He was tall as a tower for her, with a highly maintained body. She giggled and happily walked in front where Taehyung and Namjoon were giving each other a handshake. Taemin left Taehyung's finger as he had already kept him down as he walked towards Y/n holding her hands.

Taemin: mommy...who is he?
He looked at her questioning. Namjoon's eyes looked shocked. Before she could answer, Namjoon spoke.

Namjoon: you're already a mother?...I'm not even married while you're younger than me.
He said as Y/n giggled.

Y/n:oppa, it's already been 7 years since I got married.

Namjoon looked at her in shock as he shut himself while calculating her age.

Namjoon: you're just 24 years old, marriage is fine but you already have a kid.?

Understanding his words, Taemin looked over at him and shot him a glare.

Taemin:I'm not a kid.
He groaned.

Namjoon looked at him and chuckled as the other two did the same. Holding him in his arms after placing his briefcase at the coffee table he carried taemin over his arms and smiled. Caressing his cheeks he looked at taemin who was wiggling to get out of his hold.

Namjoon: You surely aren't a kid...but smaller than that?

Taemin: mommy...I don't like this grandpa.
He said and moved as Namjoon laughed.

Namjoon: but i surely like you...but didn't like calling me grandpa.
He said as taemin narrowed his eyebrows angrily.

Namjoon: You know who I am ?
He asked as taemin shocked his head.

Namjoon: I am her big bro...we both studied in the same school when your mom was a peasant and me a hulk like always.
He said proudly as taemin kept on looking at him.

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