Chapter 25

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Y/n: then what...sorry for abusing me and my son..if that's the point neither my son needs it nor i just keep it within yourself. And make sure to prepare the divorce paper...

She said,.

Taehyung said silently as Y/n ignored him and looked over her son who was suffering. She slowly held his hands which were banaged now.

Y/n: what did he even do to get a dad like you....who can never see him happy. I heard his screams while being locked in the room, but my body refused to take a word out. His happiness when he saw me was everything but you couldn't let me even hold him tight over my arms and tuck him into a peaceful sleep...i never wanted the same thing which i went through make him suffer..but you ruined it. I can't do anything and rather wait for him to be back.

She whispered as she silently sobbed, closing her eyes.

Taehyung didn't speak a word and stood up from the stool walking towards the window. He looked outside as tears slowly flowed down his eyes. He bit his lips to control the sob but couldn't.

Taemin: don't cry mommy.

A weak voice roamed around the room as Y/n opened her eyes to look at her kid, eyes slightly open. She kept on looking at him as his lips formed a little smile relieving her.

Y/n: baby..

Taemin: mommy

Y/n giggled and leaned down kissing all over his face as Taehyung walked out to call the doctor. The doctor came in as they looked over Taemin. Y/n seemed relieved as she kept on looking at her little kid getting a body inspection by the doctor. Little cries left his lips as the doctor gave him an injection. Taehyung stared at him and Y/n standing near the door. He was happy but did not express it. Soon the doctor's left after giving Y/n the sheet of medication. Taehyung walked in front and took the sheet and walked towards the pharmacy.

Taemin: mommy.

Y/n: hmm

Taemin: Why is daddy sad...did he never want me to wake up?

He looked at her as Y/n kept on looking at him fearing over those words.

Y/n: don't say that.

She whispered and kissed his forehead.

A week passed as taemin got strong enough and was cured to be taken home as taehyung dealt with the discharge paper while y/n dressed taemin in comfortable clothes to take him home. Three of them sat in the car as Taemin laid down in Y/n chest as he knew that was the most careful and safe place from him then the back seat. His eyes looked at taehyung driving who had been strange for the past few days. He slowly raised his head and looked at Y/n who looked over him. She seemed tired but she took care of him. He slowly raised his hands and placed his hands over her neck which was still wrapped around a bandage.

Taemin: Does it hurt?

He asked. She looked over at him and shook her head as the car stopped as the traffic light hit red.

Taemin looked at Taehyung and smiled as he slowly leaned, kissing his cheeks. Taehyung looked at him. Y/n kept on looking at taemin as he moved his hands and touched his face.

Taemin: I still love you daddy.

He whispered and smiled as Taehyung looked away, tears filling his eyes. Saying that taemin rested his head back to Y/n's chest and closed his eyes, falling asleep soon. 

To be continued..
Taemin is to pure to Taehyung still after suffering a lot, but that will not change things. taehyung will get his proper punishment.

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